- Oceanography is divided into 4 different branches
- It covers topics from marine organisms to ocean currents and ecosysytems
- in the years between 1925 and 1927 70,000 depth measurements were made using a echo sounder
The oceans tides are caused by the gravitational pull by the moon-
- deals with studyng things in space such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies-Wikipedia
- Before telescopes were invented astronomy was viewed by the vantage point of people in locations such as Stonehenge
- Atronomy is not to be confused wih astrology, which is the study of celestial bodies
- There sre many types of astronomy including radio, X-ray, and gamma ray astronomy-Wikipedia
4 brancehs of Earth Science
By:Martin Snowden
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- the scientific study of the the atmosphere and its layers-Wikipedia
- a person who studies meteorology is a meteoroligists usually called a weatherman or woman-Wikipedia
- Meteorology can be used for weather forecasting.
- The first weather network was established in 1654
- The study of the earth and itsd minerals
- Is studied to understand the history of the Earth
- A person who studies geology is called a geoligists
- Geoligists studys earthquakes, volcanoes and