I gave Truman a B because not only were people scared that he was the new president, he was able to show the "Fair Deal" to convince Americans safety.
- Public liked him because he was a hard worker
- Truman ran a full term from 1945 to 1953
Chief Executive
- Ran against Thomas E. Dewey
- Some saw him as a god but others disliked him because of the decisions he made
- He helped the presidential war power
- Republican Party took control of the Senate and the House of Representatives for the first time since 1928
- One of Truman's famous speech was about the bombing on Japan
- Made it faster to declare war
- On the down side it left out the opinions of congress
- Gained labor by vetoing the Taft-Hartley bill
- Created the National security Council and CIA
- Gained black Americans by having favor of civil rights
I gave Truman a B- because he was well liked and known as a hard worker but wasn't able get republicans to agree with him.
- Increased the national security equipment
- Wanted to increase the governments economy
I gave Truman a B- because he did what had to be done to gain votes, by making others happy with what they wanted.
Commander In Chief
I gave Truman a B because he extremely helped the national security with safety and more equipment.
- Price controls prevented business from earning profits
- Workers wanted raises, not wage controls
- August 6, 1945 - U.S. dropped the Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki, Japan
- More than 5,000 strikes occurred in 1946 over the shortages of consumer good
- August 9, 1945 - U.S. dropped another Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima, Japan
- Truman tried to fix the budget by increasing taxes and reducing spending
- Was more powerful than the first
- U.S. didn't plan on dropping the bomb but Japan wouldn't surrender
- His failure led him to give tax breaks to businesses in 1949.
- August 14, 1945 - Announces the end of war with Japan
I gave Truman a C+ because he tried to help others with economical issues.
he used the force of an Atomic Bomb against the Japanese. It ended the war quickly. Thousands of Japanese civilians were killed.
I gave Truman a C+ because he killed thousand of Japanese civilians with the atomic bomb. I feel he could have ended the war in a different way without using the bomb.
- The first foreign policy that Truman had was the decision to use nuclear weapons against Japan
Chief Legislator
- The dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the most difficult decision Truman had to make
- Congress formed voting blocs
- Truman met in Potsdam with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin to discuss the postwar of Europe.
- Also called "Do Nothing Congress"
- Congress was suspicious of Truman
- Because he wasn't supposed to be the President but Roosevelt died
- His legislative agenda had "Fair Deal" but it was not well received by Congress
I gave Truman a A- because he had America drop the Atomic Bomb on Japan to end the World War II. He also helped Americans with conflicts between Soviet Union during the Cold War.
Harry S. Truman
- Fair Deals - recommended that all Americans have health insurance, minimum wage would increase, and by law, all Americans will have equal rights.
- Born in Missouri on May 8, 1884
- Well liked and equal to all
- Had the decision to drop the atomic bomb ending WWll
- In 1934 he became the Senator
- Had the task to rebuild both Europe and Japan
- Truman was Franklin Roosevelt’s vice president
- Changed Americas foreign policy
- In 1945, he was only the vice president for 82 days before Roosevelt died
- Truman was the 33rd president
- In his first months in office he dropped the atomic bomb on Japan
- Truman left office in 1953 and died in 1972.
- His middle initial S. does not stand for a name, both his grandfathers had S's in their names
- He was the eldest of three children
- Went to school until he was 8 years old
- Captain of an artillery unit during World War I
Truman received a B+ as a grade because he unexpectedly took president after Roosevelt died. While he wasn't the best he worked hard to do what he thought was right.
Presidential Report Card