Best Practices
- Paperless assignment submission, grading, and feedback system
Pedagogical Benefits
Commonly Used Instructional Apps (available in the Chrome Store)
- When combined with GAFE, Chromebooks are a transformative educational technology.
- Increased instructional time.
- Students are able to collaborate on numerous levels.
- Teachers are able to monitor, make real-time adjustments, and provide feedback in ways that wouldn't be so readily possible with other laptop technologies.
- Abundance and easy accessibility has encouraged teachers to become more adventurous.
- Not DIIT supported/serviced
- Unable to access/install non-browser based applications (Adobe, SketchUp, etc...)
Administrative Benefits
- Flexibility and responsiveness
- Preinstalled apps and ease of app installation
- Ability to blacklisting websites and apps
- Manual software updates are a thing of the past.
- Lost student work is a thing of the past.
- Student work travels with the user account.
- Classroom management - ability to monitor use via Teacher Dashboard Remote Control
~ 3 Chromebooks: 1 Netbook
Cart Reservation System
Reflections & Moving Forward
The Deployment Process
Our School
Cart Setup
Our goal:
To establish a system that was procedurally transparent to students and teachers.
We wanted to create a system that explained itself.
High School for Community Leadership
Chromebooks can replace the clear majority of typical-use scenarios in the classroom.
Crucial to this goal:
1. Conspicuous and "obvious" labeling of Chromebooks and carts.
Cart Names & Chromebook Labels: Humanitarian Leaders
2. Immutable charging bricks/cords.
- ~ 360 students, unscreened
3. Class laptop assignments
Likely not appropriate to replace all other computer platforms with Chrome OS.
And in December 2013, they did!
Our relationship to technology in 2012-2013
Chromebooks allow for non-typical use that other platforms can't do as well (collaboration).
- 4 carts with Windows-based netbooks (~100 computers)
- iMacs - 1 or 2 in most classrooms
May 2013 - Adopted GAFE(!!!)
October 2014 - $60K in ARRA funding slated for 70 Lenovo laptops
A soup to nuts deployment case study.
- Desmos calculator - graphing calculator
Apply the entirety of our 2013-14 ARRA funding towards Chromebooks when they became available
Our Decision