Jim and the beanstalk
Jim did several favors to the Giant. He bought reading glasses, false teeth and a wig in exchange of three gold coins for the oculist, the dentist and the wig-maker.
One day Jim wake up and look through the window where there was a beanstalk. Then, he decided to climb up it.
When Jim got the top of the beanstalk there was the giant´s castle. They were talking and Jim started to help the Giant to become a good-looking giant.
The Giant thanked to Jim and sent him to cut the beanstalk.
Then, the Giant gave to Jim a letter with a gold coin for Jim.
This story is written in the past. The place where the action occurs was in the giant´s castle.
The Giant
The oculist
The dentist
The wig-maker
The mother
In order to know the meaning of the vocabulary, the teacher is going to guess the translation into Spanish by using different strategies like sound, gestures, similar meaning. Then, to reinforce the learning of the vocabulary the class is going to divided into groups that have to match each word with its translation in the form of flashcard and they can play the game called Memory.
First activity
-Nasty -Tight -Jaws -Thud
-Gnashing -Roared -Chop
-Chomping -Sparks -Lad
-Flaming -Wig -Beaming
-Gruffly -Landed -Heap
-Wrapped -Seizing
-Swung -Mightily
The final task is to make a performance of the story. So, the first activity is based on reading aloud among the whole class taking into account:
-The new vocabulary.
-The intonation of words.
Vocabulary Word search
Theme & Subject
This story is a fairy tail based on Jack and the beanstalk. But this new story can be consider as the second part with new characters. The subject is to be generous.
The theme is to do favors to others. Help people even if you do not know them. Have self confidence and not prejudice.
Second activity
Third activity
In order to work on phonics we are going to divided the story into sections and four groups. Each group has to divided the characters and the narrator trying to act with the voices of the characters and taking into account the pronunciation. They have the help of a computer dictionary and the teacher to hear the pronunciation. Then, each group represent his part to the rest of the class and at the end we had the whole story with the correct pronunciation.
At the end of the story the Giant gave Jim a letter with some mistakes. By groups children have to correct the mistakes and invent a new part of the story in the climax part. Where Jim has to buy something more for the Giant.
The video of the story by Blanca