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Shrimp Life Cycle

By: Alex Flores

After completing the 3 stages of larval development, the animals are fully developed as a shrimp.The shrimp reaches near shore waters and are pushed further inland and settle into marsh shallow bays and estuaries to feed and grow into adulthood.

Inland coastal wetlands are important for juvenile shrimp development, offering abundant food and protection from predators.

Life Cycle

5. The third larval stage the shrimp go through is "mysis" (lasts for about 3 to 5 days). At this stage the larval shrimp begin to develop its pleopods, or swimmerettes.

1. A mated female has sperm attached to her. When she's ready, she will release her eggs from her ovipore, and the eggs will become instantly fertilized and released into the water. This is called spawning.

Life Cycle

Shrimp live in rivers, oceans and lakes. They are bottom-dwellers, which means they are found on muddy or sandy river beds and ocean floors. Some of the smaller subspecies live inside sponges. Others, like the mantis shrimp, burrow into the sand, mud, coral crevices and rocks along the sea shore.


Due to their small size and abundance, shrimp are naturally prey to numerous predators around the world. They are eaten by fish, crustaceans such as crabs, sea urchins, sea -birds such as puffins, whales, dolphins, and even sharks.

Growth and feeding rate were again directly related to temperature and varied inversely with size. Shrimp growth and feeding rate increased directly with temperature.

The optimum aquarium temperature for Red Cherry Shrimp is around 77-81°F (25-27°C). Higher temperatures will lead to faster growth and reproduction rates. The pH for Red Cherry shrimp should be slightly acidic from 6.2 – 7.3.

4.The second larval stage the shrimp go through is "zoea", this stage lasts for about 3 to 5 days. The larval shrimp begin to consume diatoms (algae) and newly hatched brine shrimp cysts. It is during this stage that the larval shrimp develop their eyes and extended body length.

2. Once eggs are spawned, it takes about 14 to 18 hours for them to hatch. (See the nauplii growing inside of the egg in this picture).

3. After eggs hatch, the first larval stage the shrimp go through is nauplii. This stage of lasts for about 1 to 1 1/2 days.

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