Probability Problems
1. Given that the first roll was a 5, what is the probability the second roll would be a 12?
2. Given that the player lands in the first Chance space, what is the probability that his/her next roll would land him/her in just visiting jail?
3. Given that the first roll was a 6, what is the probability of the second is greater than 10?
4. Given that the first roll was odd, what is the probability that the second is even?
5. What is the probability that the first roll will be a 5 and the second roll a 10?
6. What is the probability of the first roll landing you in the first Community Chest space and the second roll landing you in the first Railroad space?
7. What is the probability that your 2 rolls will move you a total of 18 spaces?
8. What is the probability that your 2 rolls will make you land on the first Railroad space?
Probabilities of the Monopoly Board Game
Tanya Baron
Cez Lagbas
Cara Tirona
Have a great summer! :D
Rolling Doubles
Monopoly: the Board Game
However, these conditional probability questions involve two independent events.
Probabilities of Rolling a Pair of Dice
“Given that a player landed on a certain space on the board, what is the probability of that player landing on another certain space?”
1. One double
The probability of rolling a double during your turn is 1/6.
2. Two Doubles
The first roll and the second roll are two independent events. The probability of rolling a second double during your turn is 1/36.
3. Three Doubles
The probability of rolling three doubles is 1/216.
The Second Turn
The official Monopoly Gameboard consists of a total 40 spaces:
- • 28 spaces which are properties, railroads and utilities which players can purchase;
- • 6 spaces which requires players to draw a card from the Community Chest pile or the Chance pile located in the middle of the board;
- • 3 spaces which are free spaces;
- • 2 spaces which require players to pay taxes of a certain amount; and
- • 1 space which sends a player straight to jail with no exceptions.
The First Two Turns
This kind of probability is different from the previous section as getting this probability does not require the use of conditional probability. Instead, this kind of probability is solved by just multiplying the first event (A) to the second event (B).
Fun Facts! :)
The probabilities of the first turn are basically the probabilities of rolling a certain value with a standard six-sided pair of dice.
- Every few years, national champions from around the globe meet for the MONOPOLY World Championship tournament. World Champions have hailed from 10 different countries, including: United States, Ireland, Singapore, Italy, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Japan, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Japan and Spain.
- •The longest MONOPOLY game in history lasted for 70 straight days.
- •The most expensive version of the game was produced by celebrated San Francisco jeweler Sidney Mobell. Valued at $2 million, the set features a 23-carat gold board and diamond-studded dice.
The First Turn