Introducing, Chesapeake Bay!
It's the only place you'll want to stay!
- Maryland has 9,874 square miles of land area.
- Maryland's Chesapeake Bay has 1,726 square miles of water.
- There are 703 square miles of inland water in Maryland.
Bacon's Castle in Virginia
- House of Burgesses in Virginia is the 1st elected assembly in Colonial America
- Changes in leadership can be frequent in Virginia
- Calvert in Maryland started the proprietary colony with a feudal system in mind
- The Chesapeake colonies have evolved into small aristocracies ruling over spread out plantations and laborers
Geography and Climate
Memes for your Entertainment:
Primary economic
Climate: The Southern colonies were the warmest of the three regions, winters are not difficult to survive, but the hot and humid summers gave rise to the spread of disease but pfffsh please, you all are Europeans you are the best of the best, you are practically immune to them, if not you have tobacco will fix it ALL, and if that doesn't work money will ;)
Geography of Virginia: Mountains, valleys and coastal plain
Geography of Maryland: Coastal plains, Piedmont plateau, and the Blue Ridge, separated by the Chesapeake Bay
Major Towns / Cities: Jamestown, Williamsburg, Richmond,Baltimore, Annapolis
Fishing, Exports, and Other Cash Crops
- Tobacco farming flourishes due to high soil fertility
- Tobacco is so popular it's currently being used as currency.
- According to Spanish doctor Nicolas Monardes, tobacco can cure over 35 health problems.
- Plantations are located along riverbanks for cheaper, easier transport.
- Tobacco is labor intensive and requires individuals to cultivate the crop
- Maryland and Virginia both border the Chesapeake Bay making fishing another great way to make money here!
- Exporting cash crops and importing goods from England is fairly cheap due to the location of the colonies.
- Other exports include grains, lumber, rice, and indigo
Headright System
- You'll receive 50 acres of land for every person you purchase a ticket to America for.
- The more people that come with you, the more land you'll get!
Race relations & the role of slavery
History of the Colonies
Indentured Servants
Europeans thought that they have the right to take and occupy land from the Indians which angered them, especially the Powhatan tribe.
- Voluntarily surrender their freedom for 5-7 years in exchange for passage to the Americas.
- 2/3 of the population.
- Could be brought or sold.
- Greater opportunities and land ownership in Maryland for servants ( " Freedom Dues").
- On April 10, 1606 King James I of England issued the 1606 First Virginia Charter. Creating the Virginia Company authorizing eight Englishmen to colonize Virginia
- Virginia was founded in 1607 by John
Smith and other colonist including
John Rolfe backed by the London
- Virginia was named after Queen Elizabeth I of England the "Virgin Queen"
- The purpose of settlement was to establish a permanent English settlement in the Americas
Uprising of 1622:
- Surprise attacks by a chief,Opechancanough.
- Surviving colonists formed military bands and massacred hundreds and devastated villages.
- Virginia signed a treaty saying Indians can't enter European settlements without permission and they have to move away.
Ethnic, religious, and education issues
- In 1632 King Charles I of England granted a charter to George Calvert, the first Lord Baltimore
- The area was named Maryland in honor of Henrietta Maria, Charles's queen consort
- Maryland was the first proprietary colony, Cecil Calvert, Lord Baltimore was the first proprietor
- Before settlement began, George Calvert died and was succeeded by his son Cecilius, who sought out to establish Maryland a haven for roman Catholics persecuted in England
- The School of Hard Knocks teaches more valuable skills on how to survive the New World.
- Education is optional, although it's suggested to have the children working on the farm to acquire more wealth as reading doesn't come in very handy.
- Races are relatively equal and opportunities are available for all!
- Slavery is very helpful when running a large farm.
- Irish and Scottish are at home here as well!
- Indians are hostile in this area, but are no match for our weaponry
- Many Englishmen (not a lot of women)
- As tobacco planting spread and demand for labor increased, blacks and whites diverged. Authorities sought to improve status of white servants and so freedom for Blacks receded.
- Laws were passed that defined slavery as a lifelong ( unlike indentured servitude and inheritable condition based on race.
- Profitable and reliable.
- Slave population is continuously growing.
- Land was meant for Catholics, but mainly Protestants live here.
- There are few clergymen and churches, but churches welcome all!
- Religion and state remain separate
- Act of Religious Toleration keeps things equal for ALL religions!
Bibliography Slide
Wondering just what makes the Chesapeake Colonies the perfect place to invest your hard earned money? Stick around, and you'll learn everything you need to know about Maryland and Virginia!
- Davis, Noah. "A narrative of the life of Rev. Noah Davis, a colored man,." The Library of Congress. Accessed September 16, 2017.
- "Chesapeake Colonies: Virginia, Maryland." Chesapeake Colonies: Virginia, Maryland. Accessed September 16, 2017.
- "Economy: The Colonial Period, 1607-1780." Chesapeake Bay - Economy - The Mariners' Museum. 2002. Accessed September 16, 2017.
- "Maryland Colony." Maryland Colony ***. Accessed September 17, 2017.
- "Virginia Colony." Virginia Colony ***. Accessed September 17, 2017.
- "Geography." Colonial Maryland. Accessed September 17, 2017.
- Chesapeake Colonies: Virginia, Maryland. Accessed September 17, 2017.
- Education in Virginia. Accessed September 17, 2017.
The Chesapeake Colonies of Maryland and Virginia
By: Ashley, Radhika, Carla, Diana, Madeline