Any Questions?
Pupil Progress Meetings
In your first year you will have to pass your NQT year. Subsequent to that, you will be part of the school's appraisal cycle. This is linked to pay.
What did you think?
Your Thoughts?
Quality of Teaching Meetings
Making A Judgement
With no help from the Government
Our Findings
Tracking Throughout The Year
Y1 - Y6
Our teachers currently use:
- Our own descriptors
- End of year expectations
- Surrey maths/NCETM exemplifications materials
- Y2/6 using the interim assessment frameworks (valid for 2016 only)
Time to Try It Out
Positive Attainment/Progress:
Individuals: N, Y, C1, F1
Groups: All (R&W), PP, not EAL
Concerns & Questions:
Individuals: C, K, M, T
Groups: SEND K, PP on track
Subjects: Maths,
Half termly judgements against end of year expectations:
- Intro
- Intro+
- Independence
- Indepedence+
- Application
- Exceeding
Termly progress meetings with senior leaders
Termly Quality of Teaching meetings with senior leaders
- In 3s
- Analyse interim assessment framework for writing in Y2.
- Analyse a child's work samples
- Are they on track to reach end of year expectations or exceed?
- If you were their class teacher what do they still need to do?
- Be prepared to share!
Progress Meeting Task
Tracking Throughout The Year
Looking at the Year 3 data in your handouts, decide:
- Who is making good progress? (Individuals and groups)
- Who is making less than expected progress? (Individuals and groups)
- Baseline judgement
- Development Matters document is used to make half termly judgements on each area of learning (17 areas).
- At end of academic year, the Early Learning Goals are assessed in the 17 areas:
- Emerging
- Expected
- Exceeding
- External judgements on the percentage of children who make a 'Good Level of Development.'
Online Pupil Tracking System
Tracking Data
- YN -Y6 attainment data for Reading, Writing and Mathematics
- Phonics screening
- Book bands
- Online assessment grids for each child
- Progress data
- Different groups e.g. Disadvantaged, EAL, SEND, G&T...
Agreement Trialling
- ‘application’ is our minimum expectation for the majority of pupils
- Pupils can ‘exceed’ without being accelerated to the next year’s curriculum
- Freedom to look at expectations from earlier or later years (for a very small number of pupils and with approval of SLT)
- Use of Pupil Asset (PA) to track
- Paperless- Teachers will use PA to record achievements on an on-going basis and to enter a half termly summary for Reading, Writing and Maths.
Key Principles
- Ensures consistency between year groups
- Prevents 'dips'
- Teacher confidence in passed up data
- Reading, writing, mathematics and science are to be assessed in the same way
- Based upon end of year expectations
- Depth of understanding
- Introduction
- Independence
- Application
- Exceeding
One Page Profiles
- Introduced as a follow up from SEND 14
- Replaces IEPs
- Every child has one even if they are not SEND
- Personalised learning
What you may receive in July
- Handover meeting with class teacher
- Induction day where you meet the children
- 1 Page Profiles
- Paired agreement trialing
- Tracking data
Aims of Session
- To understand why changes have been made to assessment
- To become aware of how schools are responding to these changes
- To gain a greater understanding of how teachers use data
- To enable you to feel more confident for your first teaching post
Health Warning: All schools differ and are at different stages in their implementation of new assessment procedures
Teacher Standards
6) Make accurate and productive use of assessment:
- use relevant data to monitor progress, set targets, and plan subsequent lessons
Context of Spelthorne School
- Growing 3 FE Primary school - 637 pupils (& counting)
- 0-11 years catered for: Children's Centre, Nursery to Year 6
- Specialist centres: Communication and Interaction Needs centre, Nurture Group
- 20% SEND of which 29% have a statement/ECHP
- 41.6% EAL
- 20.1% Disadvantaged
- 'Good' Ofsted grade (let's hope the next one is too)
Data in Spelthorne School