In a vacuum tube, neon glows reddish orange thus the invention of neon lights. Neon has also been used to make lightning arrestors voltage detectors and tv tubes.
Xenon is used in flash bulbs for photography, and in strobe lights. It is also used for fuel in space probes. Xenon can also be used for ruby lasers. Xenon is used in special lamps kill bacteria.
Helium can fill balloons, and are used for a gas shield (blocks oxygen and other gases) in welding so the metal doesn't become brittle. It is also used to make lasers. Helium has a great use for cooling down nuclear reactors.
Is used in high speed photography, Is combined with other gases to make luminous signs with a glow of greenish yellow. Fluorescent lights. Used in certain photographic flash lamps. Some are used to make lasers spectral lines.
Argon is used in light bulbs. It makes a good atmosphere for working with air-sensitive materials since it is heavier than air and unreactive. It also has a blanket for the production of titanium.It is a byproduct of Oxygen and Nitrogen. It is a growing semicoinductors crystals and process that require shielding from other atmosphere gases.
By Samantha, Cassidy, and Chase
- Non-metals
- Have 8 electrons in the outer level (except for helium, which has 2)
- Colorless, odorless, and is a gas at room temperature
- Earth's atmosphere is 1% Argon
- Does not react to metal filament
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