- They don't feel challenged in school. - They don't feel high educational expectations from their family or school.
- They believe their parents are too controlling and they want to rebel.
- They have trouble with schoolwork or feel like they aren't as smart as the other students.
- They have drug, mental, or health problems.
- Their piers or siblings have dropped out.
- They are always skipping school or tardy frequently.
While other school are allowing monetary rewards for students, others are liking the idea of bribing their students with money that could otherwise reduce the sizes of the classes and improving the quality of technology in the room. Paying students can also help them afford college which is a huge intake to our education methods.The debate continues over whether students should receive financial gain when they perform well in public schools. This idea of monetary reward is just one more solution that can and should be explored to its fullest if we are to truly make our educational system equal for every student who attends. While a case may be made for the solution of bribing students to make grades, it doesn't change the fact that the world of public education has plenty of room for improvement today.
Warning Signs for drop outs:
Should Students get payed for good grades???
About the Study:
Whenever students get good grades all they get is a pat on the back from either the teachers or by their moms and dads. What would it be like if students actually got paid for having good grades? Would it help out the students education better or would they take it into being selfish? Sit back and answer this question to yourself, would you like to get payed for all your hard work put into these grades?
Motivation or Bribery?
Why Should Students Get Payed:
Any student can say or believe that with all their hard work and dedication to their schooling they should be able to get a gift and acknowledgment for what they have done good. School is an important topic to talk about with kids rather than sex and drugs. School is the most important because, you will get further in education than anything else that is planned out for you. If students get payed, think about how many students would not drop out. Paying them would want them to come to school and enjoy themselves. Kids would also be more well educated because they would know that they have to work for something important to them.
Education Facts:
-Across the country, only 75% of high school students make it to graduation.
-Each year, nearly 1.3 million student wont be graduating.
-1 in 4 students isn't graduating
-For each new class of dropouts cut in half, 54,000 jobs will be created.