"Liberty, the Court explained, means more than freedom from bodily restraint. It also includes the right of a teacher to teach German to a student, and the right of parents to control the upbringing of their child as they see fit. While the state has a legitimate interest in encouraging the growth of a population that can engage in discussions of civic matters, the means it chose to pursue this objective was excessive."
- Students are now encouraged to learn more about other cultures
- Studies show that the learning of a second language improves cognitive skills and academic performance.
- Grade school students are more likely to learn a second language faster older students
Meyer Convicted
Meyer was arrested and convicted under this Nebraska state law
He was fined $25 and held in jail for some time
- However, Meyer, a grade school teacher took it upon himself to teach his students about their religious history in their native language, German.
- He used an old bible study book that was written in German.
This case was appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court
Section 1
"...nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law..."
- A state law forbidding, under penalty, the teaching in any private, denominational, parochial or public school, of any modern language, other than English.
- The court determined the state law was unconstitutional because it violated the liberty that was supposed to be protected by the fourteenth amendment
Nebraska Law
- This law only applied to students under the eighth grade
- This law was created because of the concern of immigrants.
- German Catholic immigrants were the primary concern of Nebraskans
- The state feared that the learning of German would cause individuals to have a higher regards for Germany instead of the States.
Meyer v. Nebraska 1923
Breann Hill