Copper-64 for tumor imaging
Why it works
- PET scan
- 64Cu-labeled antibodies
- target epidermal growth factor (EGF)
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- EGFR increase in many human tumors
- Cetuximab binds to the extracellular domain of EGFR
- According to Li WP. Meyer and LA. Capretto DA, there exists positive correlation between the expression of EGFR and the uptake of copper-64-DOTA-cetuximab
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At present, the lack of validated predictive biomarkers precludes effective patient selection for specific molecularly targeted therapies. (/ But copper-64 has proved competitive potential to image tumors through targeting epidermal growth factor.
How it works
- include the copper-64 radionuclide into the body
- copper-64 emits a positron (Cu-64-----Ni-64+e+ )
- the positron collides with an electron and releases two high-energy photons that travels in the opposite directions
- PET scan, detect the two photons
- detect the location of the decay
- therefore, we can know the location of the tumor
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Side effects, efficiency and facilities needed
Side- effects
- not strong
- minimal transchelation in to blood and liver
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Efficiency(according to the study above)
- as useful and effective as other potential PET agents
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Facilities needed: PET scanner (/
About the radioisotope
- half-life 12.7 hours (/
- both β+ and β− emissions.
- Cu-64-----Ni-64+e+
- According to Guys’, Kings’, St Thomas’ School of Medicine, the procedure of obtaining Cu-64 :
- Electroplating of Ni-64;
- Irradiation of the target;
- Purification of Cu-64.
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Copper-64 Isotope Diagnosis
Shirley Liu