And of Clay Are We Created
By Isabel Allende
Rolf Carle
- Compassionate, caring
- At the beginning of the story Rolfe was a focused worker and at the end he is a more compassionate person and is more down to earth.
- "He was one of the first to reach the scene... We watched on our screens the footage captured by his assistnat's camera, in which he was up to his knees in muck, a microphone in his hand, in the midst of a bedlam of lost children, wounded survivors, corpses, and devastation... For years he has been a familiar figure in newscasts, reporting live at the scene of battles and catastrophes."
- "Rolf gave up the fight and surrendered to the torture of watching the girl die... Rolf assured her that he loved her... more than all the women... [he] prayed in silence that she would die quickly, because such pain cannot be borne."
- Quiet, shy, and unloved
- Becomes known and loved
Rolf's Wife
- Also compassionate and caring
- Learns that she...
THEME: The theme of “And of Clay Are We Created” is that the forces of nature are far to powerful for human nature. It is shown when Allende explains that Azucena was trapped in a mud pit and they all tried to get her out in every way they could think of, but no one could get her out.
- Nevado del Ruiz
- 1985
- New Government
- Childhood
- Adulthood
- Secret Work
- Island beneath the Sea
- Zorro, Paula
- Aphrodite
- House of spirits
- Of love and shadows
- Eva Luna
- Location
- Capital
- Language
- Religion
- Currency
- Cuisine