Cartridge Cases:
- Rifling- the process of making marks or grooves on fired projectiles that increase accuracy and range
- Marks on the cartridge cases can by matched to the marks in the chamber and breech.
- They are easier to identify than bullets because bullets are deformed on impact, while cartridge cases have more durability.
- The first time this was used in forensics was in England in 1835, when a bullet in a victim was matched with the firearm of the culprit. When confronted with the evidence, the suspect confessed.
What is Ballistics?
- Cartridge cases can identify the type of gun and size.
- They have their own markings just like a bullet will.
- The hammer that strikes the cap can also make a distinctive mark on the case.
- The hammer that strikes the case is especially important if the hammer has been worked on or switched out.
- The first scientist to use this technique was Alexandre Lacassagne.
Ballistics is the science of mechanics, especially in flight, behavior, and effects of bullets, gravity bombs, rockets, etc. Also it is the science of designing and accelerating projectiles so as to achieve the desired performance.
Cartridge Cases
Works Cited:
A fired bullet
Bullet Marking:
- Every bullet has marks and impressions on them that can never be fully wiped off.
Ballistic Fingerprinting
-Firearm Microstamping:
process that engraves the make, model, and serial number on the cartridge
- Simple comparisons, such as a 11mm bullet could not have been shot from a 10mm barrel.
- When a shot is fired, spiral marks are made on the bullet from the barrel called striations.
Madison Hill
-A British researcher proposed in 2008 to start coating all bullets in pollen, a sticky substance made of metal oxide. It is hard enough to survive being fired. Also, it is sticky enough to pick up forensic clues from people who have handled the cartridge.
- Striations are helpful because all barrels have different ones. A striation may have a faster spin rate, or may twist to the left instead of the right. These facts can identify the firearm used in a crime scene.
December 17, 2012
Striated bullet
Error of Tool:
What is Ballistic Fingerprinting?
Ballistic Fingerprinting refers to a set of techniques that rely on the marks that a firearm leaves on a bullet to match it to the gun used.
Ballistic Fingerprinting does not work on shotguns. In many cases the bullet is in a sleeve that prevents it from scraping the barrels.
- The first court case that used ballistic fingerprinting was in 1902 during a murder trial.
Controversial bullet from John F. Kennedy assassination
- Calvin Goddard created a database with all known gun manufacturers and bullet analysis.