Rambling sentence
Possible solutions
I saw a bear lumbering through the woods, and the air smelled like pine. As I listened, I could hear him breathing. He was a giant.
I saw a bear lumbering through the woods, and the air smelled like pine, but as I listened I could hear him breathing, and he was a giant.
Rambling Sentences
How can we find and fix rambling sentences?
What is a rambling sentence?
Can we ever use rambling sentences?
- Rambling Sentence: an exceedingly long sentence that contains multiple independent clauses connected by coordinating conjunctions or words which connect independent thoughts to one another.
- Rambling sentences typically confuse readers, and often leave them out of breath if they are reading aloud.
- Rambling sentences are often confused with sentences that contain comma splices.
- You can use rambling sentences in your writing if it is for a rhetorical purpose.
- Use them in dialogues and inner thoughts:
- Create strong emotions.
- Foreshadow events.
- How to find rambling sentences:
- Read it out loud.
- Count the number of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
- How to fix rambling sentences once you find them:
- Take the coordinating conjunctions at the ending of a complete thought and replace them with periods.
- Create compound sentences.
Differentiating Comma splice and Rambling sentence
Sentence containing comma splices
Possible solutions
I saw a bear lumbering trough the woods; furthermore, it was crashing and trashing through the brush. The air smelled like pine.
It is true that rambling sentences often contain comma splices, but the presence of a comma splice into a rambling sentence does not necessarily mean that we are in front of a comma splice.
I saw a bear lumbering trough the woods, it was crashing and trashing through the brush, the air smelled like pine.