Nobility ranks in Ancient egypt
Nobles, Priests
Soldiers & Scribes
Merchants & Farmers
Slaves & Servants
Their leaders called Pharaohs were belived to be gods in human form. They had full power. Huge stone pyrimids were built as their tombs and the pharaohs were burried in the them. There was a speacially designed casket for each one
The priests
The priests along with the nobles are the second highest rank. The priests normally were passed down through family.
The Nobles are the second highest rank. They worked for the Pharaohs in some way. There jobs varied from person to person.
The Soldiers were the third ranked. Some soldiers were signed up when they were only 5 years old!
Only the Scribes learn to read and write. They were usually men. The scribes had to attend a special school where they learnt to read and write hieroglyphics.
The merchants were fourth ranked in the Egyptian ranking. Merchants traded Golds and precious jewels for grains and food. They Traded to royals.
Farmers were fourth ranked in ancient Egypt. The farmers were rich peasants that the pharaohs got to do their farming. Farming is a hard job to do.
Slaves were the bottom rank in the Egyptian ranking system. They were owned by masters to do labor. They were used to build the pyramids.
Servants are at the bottom of the rank in the Egyptian ranking system. They are owned by masters. Woman were mainly nannies for children or serving royalty. males worked on the fields.