Social Classes in Mongolian Rule in China (Yuan Dynasty)
- Although the Mongol social structure was mostly the same evrywhere, when they counquered China, they had to change their structure a little.
- The social classes were ordered as:
- 1. Mongols themselves
- 2. Non-Mongol foreigners from west and central Asia
- 3. All subjects of the former Jin Dynasty
- 4. All subjects of the former southern Song Dynasty
- Even though foreingers were at the bottom of the social classes, all foreigners and immigrants were allowed to stay
"Society of the Mongol Empire." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 16 December 2015. Web. 03 Jan. 2016.
"Yuan dynasty." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 27 December 2015. Web. 03 Jan 2016.
"MONGOLS: THEIR EMPIRE, RELIGION, HORSES AND FAMILY LIFE" Facts and Details. n.d. Web. 03 Jan 2016.
Other Social Units: Clan
- People in a clan were ranked by seniority (oldest or longest in position higher than younger or not as long in position)
- Paternal descent was based on the birth of the founders.
Gender Roles
Family and Kinship
- Women were considered equal to men
- They were allowed to speak their opinion in society
- Genghis Khan usually asked his wive(s) for advice
- They would collect fuel for fires, take care of the children and animals, and make food.
- Although women were seen equal with men in terms of rights, in a Mongol family males often got more benefits han the females.
- For the sons, wives were given to them but the daughters would have to leave their clan and marry off to another clan.
- Clans that "gave wives" more were considered bigger and better.
Family and Kinship
- Everyone in the family was distinguished by age with the older ones being superior than the younger ones. Thus, the older ones would recieve more benefits.
- The older sons would inherit more cattle than the younger sons when they would get married
- The youngest son would have to stay and take care of his parents until their death, and then inherit their cattle.
- In terms of land and pastures, the elder son would receive more than the youngest son
Gender Roles
- Most Mongol men were warriors.
- They would also make weapons and hunt animals for food.
- Leaders of clans were mostly men
Social Structure of The Mongols
Hassan Bashir P2