Generation X
In the workplace
- Refusal of conformation
- Highest % Educated
- Creativity in problem solving
- Somewhat tech savvy
In the workplace
Generation Y
In the workplace
Performance Management
Western Union
Emphasis on career planning and adaptation to generational desires
-Strong PM System
-Regular Feedback
-Managers must help in reinforcement of goals
- Arrive Early / Leave Late
- Appreciation for Democracy
- Teamwork - Likes to form task forces to accomplish goals/projects
- Oldest in the work force
-Dependency on management
- Exceedingly high expectation for management
- May require flexibility (Work/Life Balance)
- Tech Savvy
- Values Flexibility
- Entrepreneurial spirit
- Economically conservative
- Newest to enter workforce
Performance Management
- Need or want for excessive overtime pay
- May require special accommodations
- Issues with letting go: Unwilling to be led by those younger
"Adaptive Training"
- Attracted to career path opportunity
- Seeks monetary rewards for performance
- May need medical accommodation or additional tech training due to age
Performance Management for a new generation
Performance Management
Performance Management
- Need to know the "big picture"
- Requires implementation of new technology
- Involvement in decision making process is critical
Possible Issues
The 3 Generations
- Need for constant social engagement (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
- Sense of Entitlement issues
- Privacy of information
- High turn over rate
Potential Legal & Ethical Issues
Age Discrimination and its prevention
Making the Connection:
Performance Management
Baby Boomers,
Generation Y,
& Generation X
When implementing a performance management system: GENERATIONAL DIFFERENCES MUST BE RECOGNIZED
How Many?
Why Change?
What if we fail to adapt?
- The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) 1967
- "Ageism" and the behaviors and risks associated with it
- Companies with workers of 50 or older had 18% higher profits, 16% less turn over, 40% less absenteeism, and 60% less inventory loss
Generational Percentage
is there really a need to adapt?
Failure to change for the new generation could be costly
This system must aim to:
1) Bring generations together
2) Stimulate professional growth
3) Create challenging work assignments
Numbers Don't Lie
Age Discrimination Percentages
1) Including team performance reviews as well as individual
2) Designing compensation and benefit packages that are attractive across the generations
3) Utilizing a feedback model for constant and open communication
A Global View
Financial Costs
The Importance of a worthy PM system
PM Success & Failure
Presented by:
- Training Costs
- Adaptation Costs
- Time Costs
- Performance Costs
- Legal Costs
Jesus Talavera Jr, Steven Pockels,
Vicky Palacios, Alex Pickford
Katharina Friedmann, & Myrna Beas
- Replacing employees costs 50-150% of their salary
- Leading online PM software can cost up to $4000 per year per 100 employees
The German Production Industry
"European Small Medium Enterprises"
Successfully overcoming the challenges of an older workforce
The dangers of not adapting company policies for a new generation