Fun Facts
- Named after his grandfather
- Second cousin of James Madison
- Never voted until the age of 64
- Didn't vote in his own electon
- Had a horse named Whitney he kept on the White House lawn
- Chewed tabacco
- Was the 2nd president to die in office
- Abraham Lincoln gave a speech at Taylor's funeral
-Taylor passed of heat stroke, bringing on bilious fever, typhoid fever, and cholera morbus.
- Taylor dressed himself in a black high-collar suit for the July 4, 1850 dedication of the Washington Monument, got overheated, then shocked his system by consuming large quantities of iced milk and cold cherries, and his internal organs began to shut down - basically, he waterlogged himself to death
-Taylor dies July 9th 1850 and was buried in
Lousiville Ky
First Lady
Margaret Mackall Smith Taylor
Zachary Taylor
- Born September 21, 1788
- Died August 14, 1852
- She didn't want to take on the responsibilities of the first lady so she gave her duties to her daughter Mary Elizabeth
- She was rarely seen in person or on paper and she usually refused to take pictures.
Presidential Life
- Before Taylor was president he was a career officer in the United States Army, rising to the rank of major general.
- Political Party: Whig
- Taylor ran against Democrat, Lewis Cass
- Taylor won the popular and electoral vote.
- Served from March 1849 until his death in July 1850
- Nickname: Old Rough and Ready
- Known as a national hero because of his victories in the American-Mexican War
- In 1810 Taylor married Margaret Mackell Smith
- Had 5 daughters and one son
- Two of his 5 daughters (Octavia Pannill, Margaret Smith) died young from sickness
- Daughter Sarah Knox Taylor died from chlorea two months after her wedding
Early life
- Soon after Taylor was born his family moved to Louisville Kentucky to live on a plantation
- 7 sibilings
- Father was Lieutenant Cononel Richard Taylor
- Mother was Sarah Dabney Taylor
- By 1800, Taylor's family owned 10,000 acres in Kentucky and 26 slaves.
12th President
of the United States
Who was Zachary Taylor?
- Born: November 24, 1784 in Barboursville Virginia
- Died: July 9, 1850 in Washington D.C.
- Buried in Louisville Kentucky (Zachary Taylor Cemetery)
- He had no educational or political background
- He owned slaves