Peer Pressure & Refusal Skills:
Safe & Healthy Friendships
Building Strong Friendships:
Peer Relationships:
Peer pressure- the influence that people you age may have on you
The development of your identity will be influenced by many factors including your peers.
Healthy Relationships are based on: Mutual respect, Caring, Honesty, & Commitment
Resisting Negative Peer Pressure:
Positive peer pressure...
How can peers be positive?
Friends have common attributes:
- Similar values interests, beliefs, attitudes
- Open and honest communication
- Sharing of joys, disappointments, dreams, and concerns
- Mutual respect, caring, and support
- Concern about each other's safety and well-being
Additional traits of positive friendships include:
- Empathy
- Fairness
- Shared interests
- Acceptance
- Support
- Loyalty
Negative peer pressure...
How can peers be negative?
Practicing refusal skills will help you deal with negative peer pressure
Casual & close friendships?
Harassment- persistently annoying others
Platonic friendships?
Manipulation- indirect, dishonest way to control or influence other people
Assertive Refusal:
1- State your position
2- Suggest alternatives
3- Stand your ground
Recognizing Problems in Friendships:
Why is it important to be able to recognize a problem in any relationship?
Clique- is a small circle of friends , usually with similar backgrounds or tastes, who EXCLUDE people viewed as outsiders
What are some problems with Passive & Aggressive Responses?
Managing feelings of envy of jealousy:
Ask yourself:
- What is making me feel Jealous?
- Is my friend deliberately trying to make me feel this way?
- What can I do to manage or reduce these feelings?
- How can I feel better about myself?
- Are these feelings of jealousy more important than our friendship?
- What positive qualities make this person a good friend?
When Friendships Change:
Are feelings of envy or jealousy healthy?
These things could end a friendship:
- Pressure to do something unsafe, unhealthy, or goes against your values
- Saying hurtful and insulting things to you
- Constantly trying to get you to change your beliefs or actions
Chapter 8
Peer Relationships
Practicing Abstinence:
Dating Decisions:
Personal values and priorities will influence your dating decisions
Intimacy- a closeness between two people that develops over time
Priorities- the goals, tasks, values, and activities that you judge to be more important than others
Infatuation-exaggerated feelings of passion
Keep this in mind:
- You & your date deserve to be treated with consideration and respect
- Be yourself and communicate your thoughts and feelings honestly
- Never feel pressured to do anything that goes against your family's values
Self-control- is a person's ability to use responsibility to over-ride emotions
- Set limits for expressing affection
- Communicate with your partner
- Talk with a trusted adult
- Seek low-pressure dating situations
- Date Someone who respects & shares your values
What are RISK situations?
Why should you set limits?
Why should you avoid RISK situations?
How do you avoid RISK situations?
Considering the Consequences:
Committing to Abstinence:
Abstinence from sexual activity has a positive effect on all sides of your health triangle:
Effects on Mental/Emotional Health:
Effects on Physical Health:
Teens who engage in sexual activity before reaching emotional maturity may experience:
Abstinence is the only 100% effective method to eliminate health risks associated with sexual activity such as:
Talking about abstinence to partner:
- Choose a relaxed/comfortable time and place
- Begin on a positive note
- Be clear in your reasons for choosing abstinence
- Be firm in setting limits in your physical relationship
- Unplanned pregnancy
- Hurt b/c partner is not committed like a marriage
- Feeling of guilt from not being honest with parents
- Loss of self-respect by going against values and beliefs
- Regret and anxiety if sexual activity results in pregnancy or STD's
Effects on Social Health:
Use refusal skills to stand your ground!
Sexually active teens may:
- Deprive themselves the opportunity to pursue new interests or friendships
- Harm a teen's relationship with family members
- Parents could be disappointed, worry, or cause tension
Can someone recommit to abstinence?