a popular form of entertainment in the Phils from the 1910s-1960s
the local version of Vaudeville
often staged in theaters in Manila
was at its peak during the Japanese Occupation
a stage presentation featuring various forms:
1901-Teatro Zorilla:
"Novelties in Manila"
The Platform to stardom
movie production was halted but bodabil was allowed
subtle anti-Japanese and pro-American messages
even gerillas watch the show
During the Japanes Occupation
performers returned or shifted to cinema
bodabil continued for the next 2 decades
Lou Salvador Sr. aka "Chipopoy"-most successful stage show impresario
follows the "latest trends" like boogie (Chiquito) and rock and roll (Eddie Mesa)
Pres. Marcos attempted to revive bodabil
After the war
Doreen Fernandez (1994). "Philippine Theater". In Nicanor Tiongson. CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art. VII (1st ed.). Manila: Cultural Center of the Philippines. pp. 68
Tiongson, N. (ed.) CCP encyclopedia of Philippine art, vol. 7. Manila : Cultural Center of the Philippines, 1994.
Galileo Zafra (1994). "Philippine Film". In Nicanor Tiongson. CCP Encyclopedia of Philippine Art. VIII (1st ed.). Manila: Cultural Center of the Philippines. pp. 315–316
musical, comedy, and even magic acts, skits, monologues, and acrobatics, etc.
Bayani Casimiro Sr.
Later became a film star, most notable as Vic Sotto's father in "Okay Ka Fairy Ko"
""Fred Astaire of the Philippines"
made a name for himself as a tapdancer
started in bodabil during the japanese occupation
Katy dela Cruz
Borromeo Lou
organized the first Filipino Bodabil Company
highest paid entertainer at the age of 18
Jazz Vocals and Torch Songs