Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
Rating System
Six credit categories: Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, Innovation in Design.
The number of points you earn determines the level of LEED certification you will recive
what is "LEED" ?
"LEED" stands for Leadership in Energy and Enviormental design
LEED helps building owners be enviormentaly responcsible and uses resources effciently
1225 Connecticut Avenue, in Washington, D.C., is the first redeveloped office building on the U.S. East Coast to receive LEED Platinum status.
The Gold and Platinum rating of David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, is the first convention center in the world to have such certifications.[1
Saved enough energy to power 8,253 homes annually
Conserved enough water to fill 95 Olympic-size swimming pools
Diverted enough construction-waste from landfills to equal four-and-a-half Eiffel Towers by weight
Target achieved certification for 100 percent of the 124 new stores in Canada, and nine more in the U.S. (including the first LEED Gold Target store in San Rafael, California).
Target has integrated sustainable options such as solar power, electric vehicle charging stations, and native landscaping
LEED can help us build houses more ecofriendly
Shearer's Foods plant in Massillon, Ohio is the first food manufacturing plant to receive LEED Platinum status
The University of Texas at Dallas Student Services Building is the first academic building in Texas to receive LEED Platinum status.
Grapevines and photovoltaic panels rely on the sun at Cooper Vineyards in Louisa, Virginia, the first winery on the East Coast and the second in the country awarded the fourth and highest, Platinum certification by Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
Green Architechture seeks to minimize the negative environmental impact of buildings by efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy, and development space.
design by Dóri Sirály for Prezi