Throughout history, occult movements have shaped the spiritual culture of Central and Eastern Europe
Ideological and logistical expansion is referred to as the occult revival.
Atlantean Myth
New Age Movement
It is commonly believed that Plato created the story of Atlantis to convey some of his philosophical theories
The term “New Age” has been used to describe those who hold any of the following beliefs:
- All is one, all reality is part of the whole
- Everything is God and God is everything
- Man is God or a part of God
- Man never dies, but continues to live through reincarnation
- Man can create his own reality and values through transformed or altered states of consciousness
Contributing Factors
The Secret Doctrine
- Ideal Societies
- Gradual Corruption
- Divine vs. Human Nature
- Secularization
- Disenchantment
- Professionalization of Science
- Alternative Religion & Philosophies
Blavatsky’s masterwork on theosophy, cosmic, planetary, and human evolution, as well as science, religion, and mythology.
Strangely for the Nazis who seem to have believed this myth, the moral of this story seems to emphasize the dangers of unjust rule.
For additional information about Blavatsky & the Secret Doctrine, you can view this video starting at 5:15
The New Age movement encompasses a wide variety of beliefs & organizations, "western hybridization of pantheistic Eastern occult philosophy and practices" (Lawson).
Secret Doctrine Dedication
Blavatsky believed the Atlanteans were the fourth "root race,"who were suceeded by the Aryan race"
The Theosophical movement was crucial to the occult revival in Germany, Austria, & Russia
Atlantis & Aryans
This Work I Dedicate to all True Theosophists, in every Country, And of every Race, For they called it forth, and for them it was recorded.
This term was popularized by Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy
Some Germans believed the lost civilization of Atlantis was real and the people continue to live in the earth, beneath Tibet.
According to Thulean mythology, Aryan people inhabited what is now Tibet, but it was displaced when Atlantis sunk into the sea.
Teachings of the New Age define evil as, "selfishness and refusal to embrace change"
Synthesis of:
- science
- religion
- philosophy
- mythology
New Age beliefs also incorporate practices from 19th century Western occultism. This includes teachings from “channeled spirits” or “universal energy”
To collect and diffuse the knowledge of the laws of the universe.
Political Impact
of Esotericism
There are connections that can be made connecting the National Socialist ideology to occultism
Eastern European Occultism
The New Age Movement & the Occult Revival
If you would like information about the modern day Thule Society, you can watch this short video.
The Connection
Vril Society
Society of Vrilerinnen Women
Occult Revival
Theosophical race theory can be interpreted as a "precursor to Nazi race ideology of German occult racial thinking the context of the Third Reich."
Convinced that the Aryan race came from a distant planet
The Vril Society worships the Black Sun a way to communicate with Aryan aliens using psychic power.
Ariosophy is an continuation of German Theosophy.
It is one of the most racist forms of occultism, In Arisophic ideology, the Aryans were fighting against Jews and other undesirables.
It is important to distinguish antisemitism, race theory, and Nazi racism from one another.
With the influence of Theosophy, the occult revival spread through Europe
The Vril Society National Socialist Party held the same utopian New World ideologies as the Vril Society.
1870s, Theosophical doctrine, societies, and literature soon spread to Austria and Germany
Vril Society formed by female psychic mediums led by medium Maria Orsitsch
Occultism & Nazism
In Germany
Heydrick banned occultist organizations June 1941
The German occult revival owes its inception to the popularity of theosophy during the 1880s’
Movement to renounce Christianity and return to the pagan religions of the
Aryo-Germanic people.
The Theosophical thought of Madame Blavatsky was blended with beliefs of Germanic paganism
Nine Rune Cast
There is still speculation that leaders of the Nazi party such as Himmler, Rosenberg, and Hitler himself were interested in the occult.
Vril is an essential energy, an ethereal substance.
If interested in the Vril Society, this 15 minute video offers more information on subject.
Race Theory
Blavatsky's Theosophy emphasizes commitment to universal brotherhood towards all races
Based on Younger Futhark-18 Runes
Race Theory Interpretation
Part of Theosophical belief involves the ideas of reincarnation and cosmic renewal
This includes hierarchical racial framework & derogatory characterizations of non-‘Aryans’
In Theosophy (and in its German continuation Anthroposophy, the hierarchial aspects of racial theory were consistently accompanied by calls of tolerance towards your fellow man.
Blavatsky characterized the Jews as an ‘unspiritual people’ responsible for
‘degrading’ and ‘desecrating’ Aryan traditions (Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine II: 492–4).
Eastern European Occultism
1. Blavatsky, H.P., The Secret Doctrine (London: Theosophical University Press, 1888).
2. Crawford, Peter. "The Occult History of the Third Reich: Atlantis Und Das Dritte Reich." The Occult History of the Third Reich: Atlantis Und Das Dritte Reich. January 1, 2012. Accessed April 1, 2015.
3. Crow, John. “Blavatsky’s Coming Race: Nationalism, Racism and Fiction in Theosophical Doctrine.” Paper presented at meeting of Association for the Study of Esotericism Fourth International Conference, Davis, California July 19-22, 2012.
4. “Esotericism, Religion, and Culture,” Association for the Study of Esotericism Fourth International Conference, July 19-22, 2012. Davis, California
5. Dee, Jonothan, Runes: Reading, Casing, and Divination (Birmingham: D&S Book Limited, 2007), 6-11.
6. Drye, Willie. "Atlantis - True Story or Cautionary Tale?" National Geographic. Accessed April 1, 2015.
7. Goodrick-Clarke, Nicholas. The Occult Roots of Nazism: The Ariosophists of Austria and Germany 1890–1935, (New York University Press: New York, 1992).
8. Hammer, Olav. Claiming Knowledge: Strategies of Epistemology from Theosophy to the New Age. (Leiden: Brill Academic Publishing, 2001).
9. Hanegraaff, Wouter J., Antoine Faivre, Roelof Van Den Broek, and Jean-Pierre Brach, eds. Dictionary of Gnosis & Western Esotericism. Vol. 1. Leiden: Brill, 2006. 1114–1123.
10. “Index of Cults and Religions.” Watchman Fellowship. Accessed April 1, 2015.
11. King, Christine, The Nazi State and the New Religions (New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 1982).
12. Lawson, Chris. "New Age and the Occult: Exposing the Philosophy, the Lies, and the Dangers." Spiritual Research Network. September 10, 2014. Accessed April 1, 2015.
13. MGR Foundation, "The Key Role Played by Occult Practices in Nazi Germany." Nazism & the Occult. January 1, 2009. Accessed April 1, 2015.
14. Penn, Lee. “The New Age Movement is More Than Self Indulgent Silliness: A Comprehensive Expose of the New Age Movement,” New Oxford Review (2000): 19-31.
15. Penre, Wes. "Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society." Grey Falcon. January 1, 2009. Accessed April 1, 2015.,
16. Skolnik, Jonathan, and Peter Eli Gordon, eds. "Secularization and Disenchantment." New German Critique 94, Winter (2005).
17. Staudenmaier, Peter. "Occultism, Race and Politics in German-speaking Europe, 1880--1940: A Survey of the Historical Literature." European History Quarterly 39 (200): 47-70.
18. "The Vril Society." Altered Dimensions Paranormal. December 25, 2012. Accessed April 1, 2015.
19. V.G., M. "German Black Sun Secret Society." Occultopedia: The Occult and Unexplained Encyclopedia. January 1, 2011. Accessed April 1, 2015.
20. Webb, James. The Occult Establishment: The Dawn of the New Age. (Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company, 1976.)
21. Webb, James, The Occult Underground (Chicago: Open Court Publishing Company, 1974).
22. Webster van Tonder, Christopher. “The Photographic Portrait: Esoteric Nazism and the Fetish of the Hitler Icon in the 21st Century. Paper presented at the conference “The Lure of Secrecy: Western Esotericism and the Arts” The Cambridge Centre for the Study of Western Esotericism, Girton College, Cambridge University, Cambridge, October 2009.
23. Wilberg, Peter. "Black Sun: The Occult Power within All That Is." The New Gnosis. January 1, 2004. Accessed April 1, 2015.