Gordon Allport
Born in 1897
Four older brothers
Protestant religion
Glenville High School
Received a scholarship for Harvard
Degree in Economics and Philosophy
His brother Floyd Henry became a social psychologist
Taught in Istanbul, Turkey
Pursued his Psychology PHD
Died in 1967
Taylor Beerman, Artavious Gordon, Courtney Crosby, Nikayla McClelland, Obreanna riley
One of the founders of personality psychology. Most known for his contribution to Personality Psychology for his development of Trait Theory of Personality.
- Personality (1937)
- The Individual and His Religion (1950)
- The Nature of Prejudice (1954)
- Becoming: Basic Considerations for a Psychology of Personality (1955)
“So many tangles in life are ultimately hopeless that we have no appropriate sword other than laughter.”
Background Information
- Highlights of Life
- Various Awards
- Various Publications
Famous Quotes
Fun Facts
Contribution to Psychology
- Trait Theory of Personality
- Prejudice & Descrimination
Allport's Contribution
to psychology
of Religion
- President of APA (1939)
- Gold Medal Award of APA (1964)
- Dsc Award of the APA in (1966)
- Professor of Social Ethics at Harvard
- Mature religious orientation
- Immature religious orientation
- Cardinal Traits
- Secondary Traits
- Central Traits
*These guide a person's behavior
With the Development of the Trait Theory Personality and Extensive Research on Prejudice & Discrimination... Gordon Allport left a Life Long Legacy on Psychology
- Contact Hypothesis also known as Intergroup Contact Theory
- Allport is often given credit for this theory that is still utilized today
Allport’s various publications
"Much of our life is spent wishing others understood us better than they do.”
- Gordon W. Allport
Prejudice & Discrimination
YouTube Video to sum up everything
Take out Your Phones