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Gods siding with Trojan
Gods siding with greek
She is the fairest woman in the land. Helen Is looking for someone to marry. Helens father asks Odysses to choose the best suitor for his daughter. Odysses makes all the suitors swear that they will be loyal to the beloved Helen.The Oath is called Oath of Tyndareus. After a choosing the suitor is Menelaus.
The Greeks discover that Artemis is causing the wind to blow and that she’s upset. The only way to make her happy is to sacrifice a royal maiden. Agamemnon sacrifices his own daughter Iphigenia to allow the armies to set sail. The Greek troops arrive at Troy. Apollo sends a plague to punish the Greeks for Agamemnon’s mistreatment of his priestess Chryseis.Menelaus fights against Paris to determine whether Helen should return to Greece. Achilles and Hector, both join the fight. Achilles Kills hector, and draggs the body behind his chariot.
There is a choosing of the most beautiful goddess, and Paris is chosen to judge. Aphrodite is chosen by Paris, because she said that she will make Helen his wife. Paris and Aphrodite then take Helen to the City Of Troy. Menelaus is furious and wants to bring Helen back to Greece. He gets a thousand ships to bring Helen back. In order to avoid going to the war, Odysseus pretends to be insane, but people later realize he was never insane.The ships cannot move forward due to strong wind.