Connors Family Tree
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Connors Family Tree
Plus a review of Beginner Level
David Michael Connors
Corinne Hansen Connors
- Is a District Court Judge (used to be an attorney, and mayor of our city)
- Loves golf and Pittsburgh sports teams
- Gentle, hard working, and super smart
- Speaks Italian
- Is never unkind
- Songwriter, guitarist, and singer
- Cooks and bakes like a pro (and usually for very large crowds)
- Makes people feel comfortable
- Always seems to be busy doing some random amazing thing or another
- Is funny and nice
This is Cori and Dave Connors
They are also known as
"Gummy and Gumpa"
Dave and Cori have 4 kids
(three of them are married and have kids of their own)
Ashley Parker Connors
Ann Elizabeth Connors Merrill
John Connors
Jordon Davis Merrill
David Kent Petersen
Sarah Corinne Connors Petersen
Sarah is married to Dave
- One of the kindest people in the whole world
- Elementary school teacher (has taught 1st, 2nd, and 4th grade I think)
- Remarkably patient with my crazy brother and their high energy kids
- Very devoted wife and mother
- Super authentic and genuine
- Super organized and clean
- Creative and artistic (especially when decorating her house)
- Very loving, forgiving, warm, and passionate
- Works as a Speech Language Therapist at a clinic for Autistic students
- Is really amazing at communicating
John is married to Ashley
- Random sense of humor
- Plays guitar and writes songs
- Vice President at The Color Run - always traveling for work
- Has an affinity for mustaches
- He's a deep thinker and an amazing people person
- Great artist and writer (and rhymer)
Annie is married to Jordon
- Very sarcastic and hilarious
- Speaks Portuguese
- Craftsmany (does woodwork and builds things)
- Outdoorsy (bikes, camps, hikes)
- Manager of a branch that manufactures and distributes insulation products (or something like that)
- Talented artist (especially painting - she's particularly gifted at watercolor)
- Has the same birthday as my mom
- Pediatrician
- Very kind, loving and brilliant
- Loves skiing, and chocolate, and being around family
- Runs/jogs everyday
- My mom calls him "Dave the younger" because my dad is also Dave
- Has an identical twin (named Dan)
- Works at the front desk of an Emergency Room doing intake and registration (I think)
- Volunteers as a medical translator (because he speaks Spanish)
- Yodels! (and also plays guitar, writes songs and sings regular style)
John and Ashley live in Farmington, Utah
(about 5 min away from my parents)
Sarah and Dave live in Heriman, Utah
(about an hour away from my parents)
Annie and Jordon live in Spokane, Washington
(which is really far away)
Katherine Helene Connors
- Still trying to figure life out
Timothy David Petersen
- 12 years old, 6th grade
- Plays drums and composes music on his keyboard
- His favorite type of music is movie scores
- Our family calls him Timo (tee mo)
- Likes recording videos and editing them into short movies
- Loves Star Wars and Harry Potter
Calvin Roy Merrill
- 4 years old
- Is learning how to write
- Likes to hike and explore
- Doesn't forget anything
- Loves tiny things
- Is crazy amazing at communicating
- Is very attached to his blankie and his stuffed puppy
- Likes to bother his little sister
Sophie Hannah Connors
- 12 years old, 6th grade
- Loves reading and is an awesome student all around
- Is super goofy, but also quite mature for her age
- Dances (ballet and jazz) and plays guitar and piano (like a boss)
- Is on the student council at school
- Very dependable, kind and authentic
Anna Bella Petersen
- 9 years old, 4th grade
- Wrote and performed the famous song "Big Yellow Dough"
- Loves Harry Potter (especially the character Ginny...probably because of the red hair)
- Loves chocolate, butter, and licking the frosting off of cake
- Plays piano and dances
Elizabeth Lydia Merrill
- 2 years old
- Free spirited, adventurous and fearless
- Loves to dance, wear princess dresses, and play with dolls
- Likes to stand on things (rocks, random objects, boxes) to show that she had defeated them
- Loves her stuffed animal/blanky named Bobo (and the miniature one names Lamby)
Parker Maxwell Connors
- 9 years old, 4th grade
- Is very hard working and helpful (sometimes we call him "worker man")
- Loves Star Wars, and baseball
- Is super sweet and loving
- Break dances (for real...he takes break dancing classes)
- Likes the outdoors
Joseph David Petersen
- 3 years old
- Loves games and puzzles
- Calls himself "Jovus"
- Super cute and charismatic
- Likes to sing
- Loves to watch Mickey Mouse, Daniel Tiger, Octonauts, and Bubble Guppies
Ruby Louise Connors
- 7 years old, 1st grade
- Feisty, but really tender hearted
- Big fan of Slurpees
- Loves American Girl dolls and barbies
- Eats a "bed snack" every night - it's just a snack she eats in her bed right before she sleeps - usually it's Korean BBQ pork jerkey or brown toast
- Is a good artist, loves school and gymnastics
Grace Elizabeth Petersen
- 10 months old
- Adorably tiny with bright red hair
- Likes to chew on her hands
- Has a super cute smile with two tiny teeth
- Is really attached to her mom
- Can sit up by herself
Walter David Connors
- 2 years old
- Likes to dance
- Super adorable and goofy
- Obsessed with Legos and Star Wars (which he calls Stuh Moors)
- Thinks he's funny (which he is)