Token Economy
- Conduct a preference assessment to determine potential reinforcers for the individual.
- Create a token board and determine the number of tokens to be used.
(a) At first, it is recommended to use a 1:1 ratio, 1 token per step involved in the task.
(b) Introduce the token board to the individual and explain the contingencies involved
Thank you for watching this presentation!!
Learning Objective
By the end of the training session, you will be able to accurately explain the Applied Behaviour Analysis component found in a token economy as well as steps and examples of a token economy system.
- Review of ABA and Reinforcement
- Token Economy Overview
- Demonstration of Token Economy Procedures
Characteristics of
Behaviour Modification
- When first teaching this skill, least-to-most prompting or shadowing should be used, as well as, providing a token for each step.
- When the child becomes familiar with the steps, differential reinforcement should be used to ensure that the child is able to complete the steps autonomously.
- A focus on behaviour – behaviour modification changes behaviours, not personal characteristics or traits. It de-emphasizes labeling.
- Use procedures based on behavioural principles – B.F. Skinner introduced operant conditioning and described behaviour analysis in experimental research that paved the way for our current understanding of behaviour.
- An emphasis on current environmental events – We must determine what the controlling variables of a behaviour are before we can change them.
- A precise description of procedures – Any changes to environmental events must occur each and every time the behaviour occurs, so we must describe them precisely for other professionals to use them consistently.
Evan Carpenter
Stephanie Cote
Roshni Saldanha
Steps Involved Using
Token Economy
What is ABA?
Providing The Tokens
- Each time the child completes a step, immediately provide the child with verbal praise specific to the target behaviour step (ex: Wow, great job! You did it!) as well as the token.
- Once the child acquires the designated amount of tokens, provide the child with a back-up reinforcer of choice.
History Of Token Economy
Advantages of
Token Economy
- Applied Behaviour Analysis is the study of human behaviour with the goal of helping to change behaviour in a meaningful way.
- B.F. Skinner, who described operant conditioning, or the idea that the consequence of a behaviour affects the future occurrence of that behaviour.
- Altering the events that occur before and after a behaviour will influence the likelihood of that behaviour occurring again in the future.
- ABA uses careful analysis to determine what environmental factors are affecting certain behaviour, then modifies these environmental events to influence a change
- Throughout Civilization, many different forms of token economy have been used. (Eg: titles of distinction, property, currency, tangibles and edibles.)
- Despite its diversity in use, it is mostly used in education and this with a great deal of success.
- It is generally implemented to reduce or increase target behaviour.
- It is a structured system. Consistent in delivering the positive reinforcement for the target behaviours.
- Allows the reinforcement of a response at any time.
- It can have a greater incentive value rather than a single primary reinforcer.
- Less likely to achieve satiation.
- Can be used to prolong/maintain performance over extended periods of time. More so when the back-up reinforcer cannot be given at that point.
- Can be used for a variety of individuals who have varied preferences in back-up reinforcers.
Fading Token Economies
- The implementation by people in everyday life – These procedures are often implemented by parents, teachers, employers or other people in the persons life. They require proper training to implement them correctly.
- Using measurement of behaviour change – We must record the behaviour before, after, and during intervention to see if our procedures are working.
- The de-emphasis on past events as causes of behaviour – An understanding of past events can be useful in determining the causes of behaviour, but as they are in the past, the focus should be on current events, as they are still under the influence of change.
- The rejection of hypothetical underlying causes of behaviour – We must stick to explanations that can be measured, manipulated and maintained to find the true cause of behaviour.
- In order to fade this procedure, the ratio of reinforcement should be changed, certain steps may be grouped together and a token can be provided for completing that group of steps.
- As the child becomes more and more skilled, reinforcement can become even more delayed.
- Tokens may be given for completing the entire sequence of the behaviour and tokens can be earned for exhibiting the behaviour throughout the day or for a number of days (eg: a week).
What is
Token Economy
Basics (contd.)
Reinforcement Schedules
A token economy can
ONLY be successful if
the individual acquires
a reinforcer that
can back up their value.
- The process of reinforcement involves strengthening a behaviour through the consistent presentation of a reinforcing consequence immediately following the behaviour.
- Reinforcement makes a behaviour more likely to occur in the future.
- Almost anything can become a conditioned reinforcer when it is paired with an already existing unconditioned reinforcer.
Reinforcement Schedules
- A well-established system.
- Relies on the behavioural principles defined in Operant Conditioning by B.F. Skinner.
- The original purpose : Provide reinforcements for positive behaviours.
- To put it simply, the tokens are a way of 'paying' children for completing tasks. The children can use the tokes to buy desired activities or items.
- Fixed Ratio (FR) – Reinforcement depends on a definite number of responses occurring.
- Variable Ratio (FR) – Reinforcement depends on a varying number of responses.
- Fixed Interval (FI) – Reinforcement depends on a fixed time interval.
- Variable Interval (VI) – Reinforcement depends on a varying length of time interval
Role Play Activity
- Reinforcement schedules determine how often and when reinforcement is provided over several trials.
- Continuous reinforcement schedules mean that every occurrence of a response is reinforced.
- In an intermittent reinforcement schedule, not every occurrence of the response is reinforced.
- Decide who will be in the role of the learner and who will be in the role of the instructor/teacher/parent for the first 5 minutes.
- Use the token chart and Mario chips provided with the demonstration video.
- Re-create the scenario. Don’t be shy to modify the token system, reinforcing schedule or target behaviour!
- Switch partners you hear the timer.
- Group discussion: What was difficult? What was easy? What are your thoughts? Any questions?
Demonstration Video
Basics (contd.)
- A token can come in many shapes and sizes.
- They will be made to suit the individual with whom the system will be used.
- The most important part of the token economy system consists of the exchange of the tokens for a back-up reinforcer.
Please watch the following demo clip.
- It will provide you with an example of what token economy looks like.
- After the video, you get to try it out! This is just a small role play to give you a visual of how all of these concepts are played out.
- It will prepare you for future training on implementing a system in your classroom or at home.
Basics of Token Economy
Closing Summary
- This type of system relies on the behavioural principles as defined in Operant Conditioning by B.F. Skinner.
- The tokens (neutral stimulus) are presented right before a reinforcer.
- The tokens take on the reinforcing properties of the reinforcer.
- The acquisition of token becomes reinforcing as well.
Token Economy is :
- A very versatile system.
- Practical.
- Very time-efficient.
- Easy to set up.
Must properly pair the reinforcement with the tokens.