CAISO's Energy Imbalance Design
CAISO Market
Can include Balancing Authorities Located within the CAISO footprint that are excluded from the CAISO full market.
EIM Summary
- Balancing Authorities Retain All Authority
+ Maintaining System Reliability (NERC)
+ Ancillary Services
+ Resource Adequacy (WECC)
+ Approving/Denying Outages
+ Granting Transmission Service & Approving Tags
+ Economically 15 and 5 minute dispatch resources
+ Provides Geographical Diversity of Load and Resources to
provide economical dispatch while supporting requirements intermittent and other concentration of resources.
+ Enhances Reliability through Visual and Situational Awareness
of Resources and Transmission Across the Footprint.
+ Provides easy entrance/exit of additional BAs
EIM Summary
+ Dictate how the BA Operates its region.
+ Require the BA to provide balanced 15 minute schedules at
40 minutes prior to the start of the period.
+ Requires Energy Offers from Resources with GHG (Green
House Gases) offers.
+ Supports 15 minute E-Tags and 5 minute resource dispatches.
Overview of the Design
Overview of the Software Needs
Balancing Authority Software Needs
Internal Software Needs:
- Software to verify 15 Balanced schedules from companies and adjust/modify them when they are not Balanced. Verify against limits and those resources supplying A/S.
- Software to verify, track and settle 15 minute submitted and CAISO adjusted schedule.
- Settle A/S requirements (Current Need).
- Need to store resource limits from entities within the BA.
- Need to store resource outages (not sure if from CAISO's or independently provided by entities within the BAs.
- Store 15 minute and 5 minute CAISO dispatches.
- Regulate from the CAISO 5 minute dispatch SCED.
- Enhanced software to track meter data, 5 and 15 minute interchanges
- Review, store and approve 15 minute E-Tages
Software Needs Related to Entities within BA:
- Software to receive 15 minute schedules from entities within the BA.
- Software to send finalized 15 minute schedules back to companies within the BA.
- Software to produce settlement statements and invoices to entities within the BA.
- Software to capture resource limits.
- Software to capture load forecasts from BA entities.
- Capture resource outages
- Receive/Approve 15 Minute E-Tages
Software Needs Related to CAISO:
- Send 15 minute balanced schedules to CAISO.
- Receive from CAISO 15 minute adjusted schedule.
- Receive from CAISO 15 and 5 minute dispatch schedules
Generation/Load Companies Software Needs
Internal Software Needs:
- Calculate resource offers including GHG (Green House Gases) offer
- Store resource limits & offers
- Calculate 15 minute schedules between resources and load
- Calculate 15 minute load forecasts
- Store 15 adjusted and 5 minute CAISO dispatch instructions
- Store 15 minute BA adjusted resource schedules
- Adjust resource limits and offers based on A/S being delivered to the BA.
- Validate BA Settlement and Invoices
- Validate CAISO Settlement and Invoices
- Track A/S Offers
- Track and calculate 5 minute metering on resources and loads
- Track resource outages
- Store 15 and 5 minute dispatch prices
- Track GHG compliance and credits received from CAISO
Software Needs Related to Interfacing with BA:
- Submit 15 minute balanced schedules
- Submit resource limits
- Submit outage information
- Calculate 15 minute load forecasts
- Submit 5 minute meter information
- Download 15 minute BA adjusted schedules
- Download BA Settlement Statements and Invoices
- Submit/Download 15 minute E-Tages
Software Needs Related to Interfacing with CAISO
- Receive 15 minute and 5 minute dispatch
- Download settlement statements and invoices
- Submit Resource Outages
- Submit Resource Limits
- Submit Resource Offers including GHG offer
- Provide Default Resource Offers for Market Mitigation
- Download 15 and 5 minute prices
- Download GHG clearing information