Diverse Population
- Anger Management Groups
- Mexican Americans
- College Students
- Domestic Violence Partners
- DUI Offenders
- Children & parents
- Dual Diagnosis
- Adolescents
Consensus in Research
- Success in counseling
- Readiness to change
- Varying opinions on what works
- Influencing clients
- Counselors Approach
- Initially felt it would not work
- Preparedness in training programs helped to work with this population
- Dual Roles--Counselor and reporter to the courts
- Therapist has to remain neutral
- Having solid goals--psychoeducation and treatment; not just abstinence
- Clients work with multiple people
- Therapeutic Self-Disclosure
- Pro-Social Modeling
- Motivational Interviewing
- Duluth Model
- Brief Intervention
- Batter Intervention Program
Working with Mandated Clients