Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities
Planning for SLR
Shoreline Master Program
SW Washington Erosion Scenarios
- Columbia River littoral cell
- Beach morphology monitoring
- Maps and data available
“SMPs cannot prevent climate change or alter rate of SLR, but they are ESSENTIAL TOOLS in assuring WISE DEVELOPMENT of coastal areas and protection of public resources as SLR increases”
- Planning for CC in WA
SMP Process: Where can we plan for SLR?
What is a "climate-resilient" community?
Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM)
Phase 2: Shoreline Use Analysis
- Future demand for space
- Potential use conflicts
- Identify opportunities
Phase 3: Develop general goals, policies and regulations
- General goals, policies, regulations
- Examples for SLR:
- Green shorelines
- Encourage developers to consider SLR projections
- Replace failing hard shorelines when necessary
Phase 3: Environmental Designations
- National Wildlife Federation
- Investigates the potential impact of sea-level rise on key coastal habitats
- Estuarine beaches undergo inundation and erosion
- Decrease in tidal flats, marshes
- Erosion of bluffs
Alternative and Sub Designations
- Develop your own classification system
- Be creative
- Sub-designations
- How to design aquatic?
- Aquatic habitat protection vs.
- Aquatic shellfish aquaculture vs.
- Aquatic industrial vs.
- Aquatic recreational
Opportunities for Action
Phase 3: Cumulative Impact Analysis
Data and Information needs
- Describes anticipated shoreline development
- Plan for and set regulations for “reasonably foreseeable future development”
- No net loss
Governments, businesses,
and private citizens take proactive steps to reduce the
negative consequences of projected climate change impacts
SMP Restoration Plan
Vulnerability Assessment to SLR
Focus on increasing resiliency to Sea Level Rise
A restoration plan should:
- Identify sites/opportunities for restoration and protection
- Include a list of ongoing, proposed, and potential restoration projects
Plenary Discussion Question:
Which coastal and marine resources are likely to be most affected in your community?
Breakout Discussion
1) Is your community already planning for resilience? How? (SMP v other process)
2) What do you think a successful plan for resilience would include?
3) Where do you think the MRC should be involved?
4) What do you need (information/data, planning tools, scenario maps, technical assistance) to be successful?