Explosive Decompression
- Captains windscreen separates from aircraft
- Air flows out violently from the aircraft
- Cockpit door collects captain and knocks him out of the aircraft.
- Captains legs jam against the control column forcing the air craft into a dive
- Cockpit is filled with vapor due to air pressure change
- Air steward grabs the legs of the captain and braces himself against the 3rd crew seat.
- Copilot makes a mayday call and tries to regain control of the aircraft.
- Captain legs are removed from the control column
- Aircraft diverted to closest airfield (South Hampton)
- Runway is 700m shorter than required due to A/C being close to max all up weight
- Pilot has been outside the cabin for over 21mins in -17degrees in 400mph winds
- ATC guides the copilot in as all the notes and charts have been sucked out the window
- Flight touches down with nill fatalities
- Aircraft climbing
- Altitude 17,300ft
- Aircrew have removed seat belts
- Captain notices vibration from windscreen
Lead Up
Aircraft - BAC One-Eleven 528FL
Origin - Birmingham Airport in England
Indented Destination - Málaga Airport in Spain
Captain - Tim Lancaster, 11,050FH
Co-pilot - Alastair Atchison, 7,500FH
700 Entries - LH Windscreen Replacement
British Airways Flight 5390
Pilot out the window
- 700 Entries - LH Windscreen Replacement
- Shift manager competed installation
- No use of IPB, only used like for like comparison
- Installation of 7D instead of 8D bolts
- First time using a physiologist in an technical investigation