Critical analysis of Research Methods
so what did the dissertation try and find out?
the research onion
- aim: to investigate the effects of changing demographics and the employment of EU workers within restaurants in Eastbourne
- So the introduction gives a brief overview of employment problems in the hospitality industry some he mentions are retention, skills and recruitment.
- only 2 sentences that actually relate to the aim! Those are: ‘consequently, employers have focused their attention on recruiting staff from abroad. The researcher shall be concentrating on the restaurant sector of this industry.’
What is critical Thinking?
the objectives
- as far as objective go 1 and 2 are a good start
- However 3 and 4 are exactly the same, although they are worded differently they both are basically to look at the impacts of changing demographics with the influx of EU workers in terms of recruitment and selection.
The art of embarking on research is developing knowledge in a particular field. Find out something we don’t know and the methods are the means and tools to find it.
(Pros and Cons controversial issues, 2003)
Presentation By Sam, Chris and Abraham
The aim of this presentation is to:
- To critically review and discuss the given Dissertation, on its methodology and its methods.
- To critically examine three othe methodoligical approaches to the same problem, using the research and objectives.
- To personally reflect on our experience of the research module.
the methodology
- So short they decided case study, cross sectional study and a qualitative approach via interviews. And using non probability sampling.
- What were the good points?
- The methodology had a good structure, leading from the intro and giving some good information on the various aspects of
- There was a Good amount of content
- What were the bad points?
- Intro did not lead to aim no relevance
- Firstly does not know what case study is, Would have worked if done properly
did the case study work?
how about historical research?
‘a strategy for doing research which involves an empirical investigation of a particular contemporary Phenomenon within its real life context using multiple sources of evidence’ (Robson, 2002:178 in Saunders et al., 2003:93).
so what if he used Ethnographic research?
- inductive
- ethnography is a qualitative method of collecting research and is based on observation
- trying to understand how people live their lives
- a philosophical level an ethnography is more naturalistic
Historical research strategy enables you to explain the characteristics of a phenomenon, at a particular point of time in the past.
and if we used a survey?
Group and personal reflection
If we used Triangulation using all three methods, Historical research will be able to find out past tense data, Ethnography will be able to find out data from now and future statistics and the survey will be good to compare from other surveys taken before.
- Time management
- Communication
- Different Counties