Submarine Parents
Characteristics of a Submarine Parent
What is a submarine parent?
Characteristics of a Submarine Child
- Submarine parents tend to remain "hidden"
- They come to the surface when guidance is needed
- These parents stay out of sight, so the children have a little space to manage their own lives
- They only "come up" when the child absolutely needs help
1. Back off on purpose
- Give them space to explore, but teach them what and what not to do
2. Let them make their own decisions
- They need to have a little freedom in order for them to do things, then find out for themselves what's right and wrong.
3. Model a healthy behavior for them to follow
- Rather than telling them how they should act, show them and they'll follow suit ("monkey monkey do")
4. Let go of the power struggle
- Let them go and have them venture out on their own
1. They are able to learn for themselves what's right and wrong
2. They have caring parents that will suggest what they should do
3. They have nurturing parents who will be there when they made a mistake
4. They have parents that will always be there when they need them the most
Future of Submarine Child
Video Time!
Just a special thank you to Allison Melendez for making this amazing video for the class to watch (:
- The child will grow up and be able to:
- learn things on their own
- make their own decisions
- know what's right and wrong from experience
- nurture their children like their parents did for them
- They can teach their children what they went through, so they won't have to make the same mistakes
- They will have amazing stories to tell their children and grandchildren