Thank you!
Steadfast leadership
9.9 Team Management:
- Relationship orientated and results driven
everyone genuinely loved her
Transformation leader:
- Transformed 63rd ordinance company.
- Met with each solider
- Got their perspective
- Changed their culture
- Open communication
- After Action Reviews
Charismatic leader:
- Confidence that produced trust and support from team
- Desire to influence others
Servant Leader:
- Puts the needs of others first
- Helps people develop and perform
The 1970's...
Discussion 3
- What are some of the leadership barriers that women face in the military?
- How are they different from the ones they face in business?
- Women are less effective in the military
Excel education, government, and social services.
- Women have somewhat less work experience
Choosing family over work
- Women tend to struggle with the appropriate leadership style.
Rebecca Halstead
Leadership in Rebecca's Own Words
Discussion 2
What is Rebecca Doing Now?
Life and Times of Women
How would you characterize her leadership style?
- Transformational Leader
- 9,9 Team Management
- Charismatic Leader
- Servant Leader
- Situational Leader
Discussion 5
1775-1783: Women serve on the battlefield as nurses, water bearers, cooks, laundresses and saboteurs
1920: Army Reorganization Act grants military nurses the status of officers with "relative rank"
1961: The first woman Marine is promoted to Sergeant Major.
1973: All Volunteer Force opens the door for expanding service women's roles and numbers.
1980: The first women graduate from the service academies.
- 1700s-early 1800s: Under common law, an unmarried woman can own property,
- 1964: Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
What lessons for business leadership can we learn from Rebecca?
Want to make a difference
- Want to see progressive change in the collective good.
You have to lead by example
- Making people feel like they matter
Develop personal relationships
Trust your people .
- They are a result of the influence you had on them.
Let people know who you are -
- Values
- Priorities
- Expectations
Open communication
A good leader should be able to influence, motivate and inspire others.
Discussion 1
Seventies - Pivot of Change
What were some of retired Brigadier General Rebecca Halstead’s developmental experiences that shaped her leadership?
- Early beginnings
- Pivotal Moments
- Methods (Hint: we do this for each reading)
- Career Challenges
- Relationships
- Gas was at $0.36/gallon
- Unemployment rate 3.5%
- U.S. deficit 380 billion
- The lessons learned from 1968
Discussion 4
- Was it a mistake to disclose the Germany incident at the Las Vegas Conference?
Themes of the Case
- An issue of professionalism.
- Goes against her own "moral code."
- Had benefits due to male CEO remarks.
- Transcends across all across the board regardless of gender and industry.
- Overall, as a group we agree it was good to share the experience but could have approached it another way.
Leadership is evolving and adapting to circumstances.
Women are capable leaders.
Rebecca is a pioneer of women's advancement in general.
Traits: Gen. Halstead possessed qualities of masculinity.
Competitiveness in sports, strong, tough-skinned, independent.
According to Mann (1959), personality traits could be used to distinguish leaders from non-leaders.
Strong foundation: She received an abundance of support from family and community. Her mother cultivated her skills and interests and not to quit. Strong ethic not to quit, raised by a village.
Mentor: Colonel Irbv provided her guidance and wisdom within the military, persistence and hardworking, take on challenges.
Her Motto: Make a difference in someone's life. Led to building long term relationships with whoever served under her. Selfless-Servant leadership.
Method: She kept a journal and notes, After Action Reviews, re-established communication - vital to redeveloping team - huge part of leadership.
Challenges: She prevailed in that she turn the 63rd Ordnance Co around, good stepping stone as start of good things to come.
S.T.E.A.D.F.A.S.T. Leadership