- Proper nutrition is needed to maintain body temperature, produce milk,reproduce, and develop proper bone structures. Without proper nutrition, animals can develop health problems, which could result in treatment costs or even fatality. Good nutrition is essential for all of the systems of an animal to function and work together properly
- A healthy diet must satisfy three nutritional needs: chemical energy for cellular processes,organic building blocks for macromolecules, and essential nutrients.
- The activities of cells,tissues,and whole animals depend on sources of chemical energy in the diet,This energy is then used to produce ATP, which powers DNA replication
Structures and Functions
Movement and Control
- Peristalsis-Alternating waves of contraction and relaxation in the smooth muscles lining the alimentary canal that push food along the canal.
- Sphincters-A ringlike valve, consisting of modified muscles in a muscular tube, that regulates passage between some compartments of the alimentary canal.
- Alimentary canal/Accessory glands- A digestive tract consisting of a tube running between a mouth and an anus; also called a complete digestive tract.
The first stage of food processing in animals: the act of eating.
- mouth
- stomach
- small intestines
- pancreas
- liver
Major Concepts
Animal Nutrition and Digestion
Animals ingest food as large complex molecules that must be broken down into smaller molecules so they can be reabsorbed and distributed throughout the body to every cell and is accomplished by organs in the digestive system
In complex animals, interactions among digestive, circulatory, respiratory and urinary systems supply the body's living cells with raw materials, dispose of waste, and maintain the volume and composition of extracellular fluid.
Most digestive systems include specialized regions for food transport, processing, and storage. Different regions mechanically break apart and chemically break down food, absorb breakdown products, and eliminate the unabsorbed residues.
- Chron's Disease- inflammation in parts of the digestive tract and is caused by sores and ulcers
- Celiac Disease- immune reaction to gluten that causes damage to the lining of the small intestine and prevents absorption of nutrients
- Dysentery Disease- disease of the colon
Interdependence of digestive system with other systems
- The nervous system regulates the speed at which food is digested with mechanoreceptors.Also the brain controls drinking and feeding behavior by sending sensory information to the brain.
- Circulatory system transports nutrients,water, and salts to and from all living cells
Work Cited