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Lord of the Flies Chapter 6 "Beast from Air"

Symbol of Chapter 6

How Chapter 6 Relates to Golding's Theme

What is strange or odd in Chapter 6?

Out of many themes, chapter 6 demonstrates the predominant themes of fear and authority. The beast represents the sum total of all of the boys' fears on the island. Ralph and the conch show authority throughout the novel, but as the chapter goes on, Jack begins to challenge the authority of Ralph more than ever before by refusing to listen his orders and openly complaining.

An unusual thing happens on the Castle rock; Ralph loses his focus and grip on reality and begins to go a little "batty." He only sees the enthusiasm of the boys pushing the rocks all around him and loses his train of thought. He does not actually see anything and Golding uses figurative language, "a bat's wing," to describe what is going on in the front of Ralph's mind.

Overall Summary

Summary Cont.

  • Military planes hover over the island in fierce battle while the boys are sleeping
  • During the battle, a dead parachutist falls from the sky and lands on the island
  • As soon as Sam and Eric wake up, they tend the fire to make to flames brighter and bigger
  • As the area becomes brighter, the two boys notice the parachutist twisted up in the rocks and mistake the body as the beast
  • The boys immediately rush back to tell Ralph what they have witnessed
  • Ralph then calls for a meeting and organizes an expedition to search the island for monsters
  • Ralph allows Jack lead the group on their search
  • The boys come across a new part of the island, called the Castle, and are frightened to walk across the ledge of the hill
  • Ralph then declares himself as chief and investigates on his own and finds self-confidence once again
  • Although the other boys were losing focus and playing games, Ralph felt a greater bond between him and Jack after Jack joins him in the cave

What does Golding Reveal?

In chapter 6, Golding reveals a sign from the "adult world." It is a dead soldier signaling that civilization also hides savagery within. The beast puts out the fire, which is the last link to civilization for the boys.

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