Outline of Changes
- Capital structure – sell 49% of shares to private entities
- Technology – Shift FTTN/HFC infrastructure to an improved FTTP/FTTB infrastructure
- Business – diversify into mobile internet services
- Human resources – remuneration and development programs
- Structure – Improve the management structure
- Burke Litwin Model
- Strategic Intent
- Transformation
Chris McKay
SID: 430394984
Fahmad Iqbal
SID: 440404383
Lakshmi Solanki
SID: 430433803
Jingye Chen
SID: 430514250
Yuying Yuan
SID: 440520708
- Both plans are feasible
- Plan 1 utilises a combined economic/OD strategy
- Strong foundation for change
- Reduce risks
- Less resistance
- Plan 2 utilises an economic strategies approach
- More bold
- Strict timeline
- Economic value
- Higher resistance
- Balanced scorecard used for outcome evaluation
- Focus on communication of the change
Management Plan
- Infrastructure challenges
Kotter's 8 Step Model for change
- Create urgency
- Forming Powerful Coalition
- Creating Vision for Change
- Communicate Vision
- Remove Obstacles
- Creating Short-Term Wins
- Build on the Change
- Anchor New Approaches
Strategic Alignment
Increase revenue
Address funding gap
Fund growth
Improved Capital
Sustain growth
Increase market share
Funding for rollout
Diversified Product
Aligns with values
Mitigate deficiencies
Address skills shortfall
Raise morale
Human Resources
- Renumeration
- Employee development
- Skills shortage
Key Organisational Processes
- Social Systems
- Employees & Tangible Assets
- Dominant Coalition
- External Environment
- Technology
- Organisational Arrangement
Organisational Structure
- Review corporate values
- Business development
- High speed broadband
- Lower prices
- Efficient services
- Apply for NBN
- Pay on time
- Feedback
- Low quality
- Poor service
Customer Segment
Proposed Solution
Products & Services
- FTTP Broadband
- Mobile Broadband
Gain Creators
- New infrastructure
- New markets
Value Proposition
- Diversified products
- Higher quality
Pain Relievers
- Increased funding
- Efficient structure
- Improved retention
Product Segment
To realise the government’s vision for the development of a National Broadband Network to all Australian premises.
Experiencing a substantial shift in the overall market structure.
To develop a National Broadband Network to all Australian premises.
Forecasted expenditure increase from $37.4 billion to $55.9 billion.
Business Model
Forecasted to be $13-$14 billion less to FY21 than previously estimated.
Create and deliver value through broadband infrastructure
Risks, Consequences and
Mitigation Strategy
- Staff Resistance
- Privatisation of business
- Insufficient reviewing
- Partnership failure
Capital Structure
- Reduce expenditure
- Eliminate revenue gap
- Increase funding
Upgrade Technology Hiring External Consultants