The Things They Carried By Tim O’Brien
Vietnam's influence on O’Brien’s writing:
- In Vietnam, O’Brien began to write down stories about the war.
- These stories published after the war
Tim O’Brien’s Work:
- Before and After the war:
- The Vietnam war also plays an important role in all of his novels.
- If he didnt gone to Vietnam, he might not have become a writer.
- As he once said:" I think I was kind of dragged into being a writer by life itself".
1. If I Die in a Combat Zone, Box Me Up and Ship Me Home _1973
2. Northern Light _ 1975.
3. Going After Carriato _ 1978.
4. The Nuclear Age _1985.
5. In the Lake of the Woods _ 1994.
6. Tomcat in Love _1998.
7. July, July _2003
- All of his work based on his life experiences.
Aisha Ahmed
Dreams vs. Reality:
O’Brien claims that the story isn't about war (reality), but its about peace (dream).
1. Theme of Guilt and Blame:
A. The death of men in their group.
B. The death of the vietnamese.
C. Their own weakness.
The biography:
Written in 1986
- Born on October 1, 1946, in Austin, Minnesota.
- Sergeant during the Vietnam War (1 November 1955– 30 April 1975)
- He is unable to escape from the terrifying memories that he had on the war.
The meaning of the title: