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  • Introduction by David Richardson, Principal
  • High School Counseling Center
  • Graduation Requirements
  • Advanced Placement
  • Fine Arts
  • Career and Technical Education (CTE)
  • College and Career Readiness


Minimum Course requirements 22 Credits

  • 4 credits of English and Social Studies
  • 3 credits of Math and Science
  • 2 credits of PE (1/2 credit every year)
  • 1 credit of Language other than English (LOTE)
  • 1 credit of Fine Art
  • Health (1/2 credit)
  • Elective Courses (3 ½ credits)

High School Counseling Center

Fine Arts

• Visual Arts

-Five-credit sequence available

-Studio Art meets Fine Arts requirement for diploma

-Range of Visual Arts courses available later in high school

• Performing Arts

-Highlights of choral and instrumental programs

-Development throughout high school

-Depending on level, some courses may be scheduled in the same block for ½ credit each

  • - Conflicts could occur if ensembles do not meet at the same time

- Addition of Voice usually results in taking PE during advisement or possibility that Voice could be after school

**Typical 9th grade schedule will not have space for DDP or Studio Art in addition to music ensemble courses

5 Regents Exams

Career & Technical Education (CTE)

Room 109 across from main office

Mrs. Giacalone: 9 & 11 A-D

Mrs. Aubrey: 9 & 11 E- P

Mrs. Berardo-Nitsch: 9 & 11 Q-Z

Mrs. Lake: 10 & 12 A-La

Ms. Quirk: 10 & 12 Le-Z

Mrs. Cooke: Counseling Secretary

Mrs. Hugh: College & Career Center

Counseling Office

  • Algebra I (Common Core)
  • Living Environment
  • Global History
  • US History
  • English Language Arts (Common Core)

How Can We Help You?

  • Academic
  • Academic intervention
  • Scheduling
  • Graduation planning
  • Career
  • Career planning
  • College search and planning
  • Personal/Social
  • Individual counseling
  • Mediation

College & Career Center

• DDP can be taken in 9th grade for the Fine Arts requirement

• DDP first course in Project Lead the Way progression of courses

• Five-credit sequence available in Technology

• Robots club extracurricular

• Five-credit sequence available in Business

• Business courses typically taken in 10th grade or higher

- Exception could be when a student does not take LOTE in 9th grade

- Range of offerings and career connections

• Family and Consumer Science courses typically taken in 10th grade and higher

-Exception could be when a student does not take LOTE in 9th grade

-Range of offerings and career connections

The college and career center is where students can explore post-secondary options and helps students with college applications, scholarships, and military interest and career exploration.

The College & Career center is located in Room 102 across from the Counseling Center

Phys Ed & Athletics

Athena's Counseling Program

  • Phys ed is an important part of the curriculum
  • Students choose their PE class in 11th and 12th grade
  • Athletics are a great way to get involved in an extracurricular activity

Classroom push in presentations each year of high school

various topics to provide guidance to students:

-Course Selection

-PSAT/SAT/ACT College Prep Tests

-College application process

Thank you for coming!

Counseling Program


  • This is the main technical tool to assist students and families with the college search process.
  • Students use features in both group and individual settings
  • Features include personality inventory, career inventory, learning style, college searches
  • Naviance is used during a student’s senior year as our main tool for organizing college applications

Course Selection

  • Course Selection starts in December.
  • Counselors will Push in to classrooms to guide and instruct students on their course selections.
  • Students will need to choose based upon courses required for graduation, desired diploma, personal interests and teacher recommendations.

College & Career Readiness

Exploring Posts

Program run Through Boy Scouts of America That provides hands on career exploration.

Programs are varied and career focused

Low cost to families


Programs for students 9-12

College Prep


We look forward to seeing you next school year!

The PSAT is a practice test for SAT and NMSC scholarship qualifier for 11th grade students typically given in October for college bound Juniors and/or Sophomores in advanced classes.

The SAT/ACT are typically taken at the end of junior year and/or the beginning of senior year. Students may take these exams as many times as they would like. Colleges look at the highest score only.

The SAT and ACT are comparable tests however, students must look into their prospective college’s requirements for admission.

The ACT is an achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in school. The SAT is more of an aptitude test, testing reasoning and verbal abilities.

Advanced Placement

LOTE (Language other than English)

  • What languages offered at Athena High School
  • -American Sign Language
  • -French
  • -Spanish
  • -Italian
  • Language study beyond Level I is encouraged to fulfill the languages other than English requirement for an Advanced Designation Regents diploma. Opportunities to earn college credit are available beyond Level III and vary by school.
  • Each college program varies in their LOTE requirements, please be sure to look into your student’s particular interests and goals.


Typical Ninth Grade Courses


Regents Diploma:

5 Regents exams with a 65 or higher or approved 4 + 1 pathways

Regents with Advanced Designation:

5 Required exams PLUS Geometry, Algebra 2, 2nd science, and LOTE Level III exam

Students have the option of earning an elective sequence (5 credits) in place of the LOTE Regents in Business, Art or Technology

Regents with Advanced Designation with Honors: All 8 required Regents exams with an average score of 90 or higher

College and Career Preparation

Academic Learning Center

-Right Reasons Technology

-Castle Learning

-Regents prep

-Credit Accrual and Recovery

Substance Abuse Prevention Coordinator-Stephanie Rago

-Substance Abuse Workshops, Education, Outreach, Intervention & Counseling

Family Support Center

-The Family Support Center is a place where counseling, support and information are available to families. It is meant to be a collaborative partnership between families, schools and community agencies

-Current students and their families who live within the Greece Central School District residency lines are eligible for services

-Services are free

-Families may Refer themselves or the school can make a referral on the family's behalf. The goal of the FSC is to remove non-academic barriers to learning.  Therefore, the FSC works with families where a child has been identified as having social, emotional, or behavioral difficulties in school. 

One of Athena’s School Improvement Goals is to get students to be college and career ready.

  • Students display this through academic rigor, personal and social competencies and career skillbuilding

Students have the opportunity to explore various pathways through their school career

Students are encouraged to explore all options available to them after graduation: 4 college, 2 year college, certifications, vocational programs, military enrollment, job corps and center for workforce development.

Dual enrollment is an Opportunity to earn college credits while in high school

  • Students earn college credits through high school courses taught by our teachers and pay a fraction of the cost compared to the same course taken at MCC/RIT.
  • Examples of previous courses offered through Dual Enrollment based upon demand:


-Business/Personal Law

-Microsoft office 2013



WeMoCo & New Visions

WeMoCo is a unique opportunity available through Monroe 2 Boces for Athena High School students in grades 11 & 12 to develop expertise through hands on experience and skill building to use in future careers.

  • Programs can be one or two year sequences with varying levels of selectivity based upon program popularity.

Programs available at WeMoCo: Communication and Visual Arts, Construction, Human and Public Services, Information Technology, Manufacturing Technology, and Transportation

The New Visions program is a unique educational opportunity for college-bound high school seniors who are looking to participate in an experiential shadow in a career field of their choice in order to better prepare themselves for a particular college major. The New Visions approach features academic rigor, community outreach projects, independent research, relevant interdisciplinary curriculum, student-mentor relationships, and support of student leadership.

  • Students interested in the New Visions Program must go through an application process

Programs offered include shadowing opportunities, dual credits, community service & transferable job skills in emerging fields, health industries and justice professions

What makes PRE-AP courses more challenging?

• Expectations

• Grading considerations

- Often grades are lower

- Points added at end of course

• Students may take Pre-AP courses in 9th grade or add AP classes later in high school

• Benefits of the AP program

-College preparation

- Favorably viewed by colleges

  • English 9
  • Global History 9
  • Algebra 1 or Geometry
  • Living Environment or Earth Science
  • LOTE
  • Fine Art elective
  • Physical Education

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