Katherine Applegate
October 9, 1956 - Present
Created by Kayla R. Postell
April 19, 2017
Fun Facts : Childhood
Major Works
- The "Summer" Series
- "Roscoe Riley Rules" Series
- "Boyfriends and Girlfriends" Series
- "Animorphs" Series
- "Remnants" Series
- "Girl Talk" Series (Alongside L.E. Blair)
- Born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, grew up around the Grand Rapids, Michigan, before moving to Chicago in 8th grade, and then again to Houston, Texas
- Dad worked for IBM (a huge computer company) to which led Applegate to make the joke that IBM stands for "I've been moved" rather than International Business Machine.
- http://www.encyclopedia.com/people/literature-and-arts/american-literature-biographies/katherine-applegate
- http://www.slj.com/2013/03/interviews/the-one-and-only-how-katherine-applegate-created-a-classic-and-nabbed-the-newbery/#_
- https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/1036736.Katherine_Applegate
- http://nieonline.com/yakscorner/20130214/5.pdf
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_One_and_Only_Ivan
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remnants_(novel_series)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animorphs
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everworld
- https://books.google.com/books/about/Roscoe_Riley_Rules_1_Never_Glue_Your_Fri.html?id=YHxqrgEACAAJ
- https://books.google.com/books/about/Beach_Blondes.html?id=GPI2zWqDLTgC&hl=en
"Memories are precious...they help teach us who we are." - Katherine Applegate, The One and Only Ivan
Fun Facts : Interests and Hobbies
Fun Facts : School
- Graduated high school from a school near Houston
- Attended the University of Texas in Austin
- Although her interest in writing and english, she did not intend on being an author claiming it was "...such a public way to fail."
- Passion for singing since a young age and enjoyed singing in choir
- Believed to become a vetenarian (which she worked for in high school) or a civil rights lawyer
- Began her passion as an author with quizzes in teen magazines
- Then began writing adaptations for Disney books such as "Aladin" and "The Little Mermaid" under different names and pseudonyms
- Eventually Applegate began co-writing (alongside her husband) young adult novels such as "Animorphs," "Remnants," and "Everworld"
- Had several animals throughout the years due to her animal loving ways
- Her dog Stan was the inspiration for Bob, a dog in Applegates novel "The One and Only Ivan"