After math of Connecticut Legens
- Live in the forest around the road called Dracula Drive.
- Their heads are melon shaped because of them resulting to cannibalism to survive the winter.
- Attacks whoever is passing through Dracula drive.
Felt Mansion
Inside the burnt insane asylum
Dracula Drive
Ohio Legend
Michigan Legend
- Legend states the melon heads were originally orphans under the watch of Dr. Crow.
- Crow was supposedly experimenting on the kids, by injecting chemicals into their brain.
- Because of the brain growth they became insane.
- Legend states the Melon Heads were originally children who suffered from hydrocephalus that lived in an insane asylum near felt mansion.
- Melon Heads are no longer alive.
After Math
The Connecticut Legend
Where do the legends exist?
- After dealing with physical and emotional abuse they came up with a plan to kill the doctors.
- They had nowhere to hide the bodies so they cut them up in pieces and hid it around Felt Mansion.
- They had nowhere to live so they lived in there as well.
- The country's historical society claims the asylum never existed but it was once a prison.
- Rumors going around that teenagers saw the ghost of the Melon Heads and shadows of them killing the doctors.
- After years of abuse the children killed Dr. Crow and brunt down the facility
- They decided to live in the forest near cry baby bridge.
- Because of paranoia whoever sees them, they kill and eat.
- To keep the 'Melon Heads' alive they impregnate each other and it soon leads to inbreeding which makes them even more creepy looking.
- In Fairfeild there was an asylum for the criminal insane that burnt down in 1960.
- All staff died and some patients, but 10-20 are unaccounted for.
- The legend all started in Fairfeild, Connecticut.
Urban Legend of the Melon Heads