The Pedestrian
- In the story Bradbury uses tone to describe the creepiness of the moment.
- It makes the reader feel suspense and wonder.
- The tone helps the mood and the imagery of the story.
- It makes the reader feel and see what is going on but leaves just enough to keep the reader guessing.
- The last clip helps describe tone because the music in the background gives the watchers a sense of peace when they introduce Eve, and terror when the ship takes off.
- Bradbury used foreshadowing in two different ways.
- In the story he foreshadowed the next stage by the setting, dull and creepy, anyone would assume something bad would happen.
- But he also was trying to foreshadow our future.
- In some way foreshadowing can be used as a warning and that is what Bradbury did.
- Bradbury truly believed that our future was doomed if we kept advancing our technology.
- The clip foreshadows how Wall-E and Eve will become companions throughout the movie.
- In the story he showed it to explain how the world would be ruled be technology.
- Quote that supports imagery: "To enter out into that silence that was the city at eight o'clock of a misty evening in November, to put your feet upon that buckling concrete walk, to step over grassy seams and make your way, hands in pockets, through the silences, that was what Mr Leonard Mead most dearly loved to do."
- The quote described how the morning weather was, and how the sidewalk was breaking from neglect.
- We used the upcoming clip because it shows how the author used imagery to show how the world would be if it was destroyed.
- Mood was another literary element in the story because it made the reader become more engaged in it.
- Makes the reader want to know the ending.
- Quote that showed mood: "During the day it was a thunderous surge of cars… but now these highways too were like streams in a dry season."
- This is a example of the authors' use of mood because it showed the feeling of the difference between the day and the night.
- The next clip shows how mood was changing and how you feel it through the whole clip, just like you feel it the whole story in The Pedestrian.
The Pedestrian
By: Ray Bradbury
Dramatic Irony
- Bradbury showed this by Leonard Mead, who was the only person not controlled by technology, was considered insane and was taken to the mental hospital because he was walking to get fresh air.
- Used dramatic irony the most of the literary elements to show the difference of future and present.
- Also makes the reader think about the ending of the story.
- In the future Bradbury predicts that the sane people are the ones controlled by technology.
- It is just another way for Bradbury to imply and warn the future of the harmful things technology can do to us.
Author's Reason
- Ray Bradbury wrote the story to emphasize how technology can destroy society
- Bradbury was a pessimist towards technology and the advancements it was causing the world to go through
- He used Leonard Mead to show that the one sane person in society was now looked at like he was crazy
- His main point of writing the story was to warn future generations that technology was going to corrupt society
- Leonard Mead starts the story off by walking the streets at night when everyone else is inside and watching TV. While Leonard walks he likes to mock the people that sit at home.
- Then, as the only police car in the city approached him, Leonard thought about those chances.
- The police car then questioned Leonard as to why he was outside if everything he needed was inside.
- Next, the police car told Leonard to get in the car and he was taken to the Psychiatric Center for Research on Regressive Tendencies.
Presented by: Sydney Ebert and Alyssa Drew
Setting the Stage
- The year is 2052 in a gloomy neighborhood
- Everyone is controlled by technology and doesn't ever socialize with anyone else.
- There is only one police car in the entire city because of the lack of crime.
- Leonard Mead is the main character and he walks the streets at night while everyone else is watching TV at home.