Search Patterns
What should they do when they find evidence?
Jamie Neumann, Allie Cohen, Ally Resnick, Nicole Kachay
- Packaged, labeled, and protected
- Crime scene record
What are the types of Search Patterns?
Zone Search
- Multiple types
- Must look up and down
- Link method
Outward Spiral
Inward Spiral
When should you use each?
- Size, location, and circumstance
- Starts at the dead body (if there is one)
- Vehicle searches
- Special attention to evidence that is transferred between the car and the victim
What can you find?
- Massive objects or microscopic traces
- Trace evidence, impressions, questioned documents, body fluids, fibers, and weapons
- Some evidence is present and some must be found in a laboratory
- victim's clothing
- fingernail scrapings
- head and pubic hairs
- blood
- vaginal, anal, and oral swabs
- recovered bullets
- hand swabs
What are search patterns?
- Search for physical evidence at a crime scene
- Identify and secure the evidence