Geometry Prezi Presentation
HockerCreated, 2016
Test Time! SOL Released Test Items
They are everywhere!
Parallelism, Intersection, & Perpendiclarity
Geometry Focus: Representations and Polygons
4.10 The student will
b) identify representations of lines that illustrate intersection, parallelism, and
Multiples Song
A Dance Song!
Geometry Focus: Representations and Polygons
4.12 The student will:
a) define polygon; and
b) identify polygons with 10 or fewer sides.
What are reflection, translation, and rotation?
4.11 The student will
a) investigate congruence of plane figures after geometric transformations, such as reflection, translation, and rotation, using mirrors, paper folding, and tracing; and
Point, Line, Line Segment, ray
Geometry Focus: Representations and Polygons
4.10 The student will
a) identify and describe representations of points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles,
including endpoints and vertices; and
What is a polygon?
Geometry Focus: Representations and Polygons
4.12 The student will
a) define polygon; and
b) identify polygons with 10 or fewer sides.
4.12 The student will
a) define polygon; and
b) identify polygons with 10 or fewer sides.