Teach significant others how to treat hypoglycemia:
If client is awake but groggy, put corn syrup, honey, cake icing, or instant glucose in their mouth between the cheek and gum.
If the client is unconscious, administer a glucagon injection.
The client will state signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia and appropriate actions to prevention and treatment.
The client will be able to demonstrate the ability to perform a blood glucose measurement and callibrate and maintain a glucose monitoring device.
The client will keep a record of results and take the record of results to appointments with the health care provider.
Encourage the client to wear a
medical alert bracelet,
and help him or her obtain one.
This bracelet is helpful
if the client becomes
hypoglycemic and is unable
to provide self-care.
A nurse plays a critical role in educating the patient on effectively managing their hypoglycemia.
Teach the client how to prevent hypoglycemia by avoiding the four most common causes of hypoglycemia.
- excess insulin
- deficient intake or absorption of food
- exercise
- alcohol intake
Inform the client of the importance of keeping a carbohydrate source nearby at all times.
Nursing Interventions for Treating Hypoglycemia
Sources of information:
Medical-Surgical Nursing 7th Edition
Ulrich & Canale's Nursing Care Plan Guides
Nancy Haugen and Sandra Galura