One of the teenagers died before the rescue teams could get to them, three died in hospital. Peter Kite (managing director) was sentenced to three years in Prison as he was the directing mind and formed the Mens Rea. A company can only be criminally responsible if the controlling minds of the company were themselves guilty of manslaughter, causing the company as a whole to be guilty. The company was fined £60,000.
This was the first ever documented corporate manslaughter charge in the UK. This is the act of homicide committed by a company. The centre staff failed to inform the students about the relevant safety equipment which gave them less of a chance to survive.
The tragedy accelerated governmental discussions to stop outdoor activity centres from self-regulating. The Activity Centres (Young Persons’ Safety) Act 1995 was passed through parliament and led to the formation of the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority (AALA), however on October 15, 2010, Lord Young of Graffham, recommended that the AALA be abolished and be replaced by a code of practice.
The company was found guilty of corporate manslaughter and were fined £60,000. Peter Kite (managing director) was sentenced to three years in prison. Joseph Stoddart (centre manager) was found not guilty of manslaughter.
In March 1993, 8 students were accompanied by two instructors out into Lyme Bay. After a series of errors, four of the teenagers drowned after one of the kayaks became swamped. The group were swept out to sea where all of their kayaks eventually became swamped.