- When God created humanity he gave them knowledge so that they would know their creator
- "For of what use is existence to the creature if it cannot know its creator?"
- How would they be reasonable without the knowledge of what being reasonable is?
- People must accept that Jesus is God incarnate (of a person, soul, or spirit "OED").
- Because Jesus is God, Jesus is able to reveal God, not simply disclose truths about him, but make him known personally.
- The Word of God came in his own person because it was he who could create humanity in his own image
My Thoughts
- Athanasius was the chief deacon assistant to Bishop Alexander of Alexandria.
- lived around the years 296-373
- He was exiled five times by four Roman emperors, spending 17 of the 45 years he served as bishop of Alexandria in exile.
- it is Athanasius's writings that shaped the future of the church
- God knew the limitations of humanity
- There were three options in which humanity could have knowledge
1. by looking at nature and figuring out that there must have been a creator
2. converse with the saints (others around them) and learn about God and creation
3. cease from indifference and lead a good life simply by knowing the Law
- I agree with a lot of what Athanasius has to say
- God and Jesus are one in the same, too many people assume that Christians are worshiping two deists but that is not the case
- But by saying that God comes down into human form we have to remember that Jesus still lived as a human with all the same aspects and qualities as a normal human being
- Despite the knowledge humanity had been given, they still turned towards evil spirits
- God's solution for this was to renew his Image in humanity, by becoming Jesus Christ
- God assumed a human body in order that in it death might once for all be destroyed, and that humanity might be renewed according to the Image
The stained panel
- when a portrait is painted on a panel and has become obliterated through stains the author does not just throw it away
- the subject of the portrait has to come and sit for it again so that he can be drawn on the same material
- this is the same for Jesus and God: Jesus is God incarnate he came to renew humanity
Athanasius on the Incarnation