Ancient Greek Theater
The Greek Chorus
- Shown in the beginning of books
- Background of the characters life
- Has important information
- Useful to understand the story and plot twists
A chorus that offered a variety of background and summary information to help the audience follow the performance. They commented on themes and demonstrated how the audience might react to the drama.
- used to show social status, age and gender
- often more elaborte than normal athenian everyday clothing
- added pieces when the actor was playing an animal, or women,claws, wigs etc.
- cloth, and later adding feathers, and more materials
What was its function?
The Ancient Greeks believed tragedies were a way of purging (releasing) emotions. Greek plays were also used to teach the audience about human morality, the gods, and to investigate the world and those who live on it. Other forms of Greek plays included satyr plays and comedies. Although these were present in festivals such as the City Dionysia, tragedies were often the most common.
Its Importance
Tragedy dealt with the big themes of love, loss, pride, the abuse of power and the fraught relationships between men and gods. Typically the main protagonist of a tragedy commits some terrible crime without realizing how foolish and arrogant he has been. Then, as he slowly realizes his error, the world crumbles around him.
- Holds 12,000-14,000 people
- Important figures sat in the front
- Skene was like a backstage/changing room
- Semi circle shaped so all could see
Ancient greek theater was a large part of Ancient Greek society. The celebrations, composition and function made theater a widely popular event for all citizens, and kept it relevant to this day.
- Masks were used to show emotions
- Allowed the actor to melt into the character
- they allowed actors to play more than one role
- Masks were constructed out of lightweight materials, wood, linen ,hair
How did it begin?
The god of the grape harvest, wine making and wine, of ritual madness, fertility, theater and religious ecstasy in Greek mythology.
In Ancient Greece, theater was centered around the festivals honoring the gods, specifically in the City Dionysia, which is held in Athens at the beginning of the year. During this celebration, there were sacrifices, food, and parades but the main part of the festival was the theatrical performances.
- Men were always the actors
- The chorus was 15 people and included a leader