Christianity in Argentina
Lattitude and Longitude of Three Major Cities in Argentina
The Relative Location of Argentina
- Buenos Aires-62 degrees west and 34 degrees south
- La Pampa-65 degrees west and 36 degrees south
- Missiones- 55 degrees west and 26 degrees south
- Argentina is located In the Southern and Western Hemisphere.
- The countries that border Argentina are Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay and Chile.
- Argentina is bordered by water on one side (South Atlantic ocean)
- Argentina is located in South America.
- There are 23 provinces in Argentina.
- Wittekind, Erika. Argentina. Minnesota: ABDO Publishers, 2012. Print.
- "Argentina Longitude and Lattitude Map" NP. Web. 10/3/13
- "Embassy of Argentina" NP. Web. 10/4/13
Place and Human-Environmental Interaction
Time Periods During Which Christianity Spread to Argentina
- Christianity spread to Argentina in the 1500's.
- Argentina is surrounded by water and the rest of the South American Continent which makes for easy travel, to and from by boat.
- Spain shipped to Argentina to tell therm about Christianity.
Human Characteristics That Reflect the Infuence of Christianity
Causes That Led to the Introduction and Development of Christianity in Argentina
- International Bible Church-Buenos Aires, Argentina- services in English/ Spanish
- Christian Biblical Church- Buenos Aires, Argentina- 1970
- Light of Gospel- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Christ the King Province- Buenos Aires, Argentina- 1939
The Physical Characteristics That Helped the Spread of Christianity Across Argentina
- Christianity was first introduced to Argentina by explorers from Spain in the 1500's.
- The church got even stronger in Argentina fro the Roman Catholic settlers from Spain and Italy.
- Catholicism was the fiirst and most prominent organized faithin the hstory of Argentina.
The Life in Argentina Before and After Christianity
- Argentina is made of mostly flatlands/ plains-easier travel.
- Few mountain ranges-pretty-attracts people .
- Bordered by ocean-easier to travel to-from.
- Import/export goods in North West to get goods.
Modes of Transportation People Used to Get to Argentina
- Before Christianity, the main religion of Argentina was Judaism and things were not very civilized.
- When someone from the Christian religion came to Argentina to share the religion, Judaism was against it and wanted war.
- The Christians and the Jews were rebelling against eachother, but eventually, the Jews gave in to Christianity.
- Most Jews in Argentina eventually switched over to Christianity, only 8% of Argentina aren't Christian.
- Back then, regions found out about this religion by shipping from place to place.
- If the country was surrounded by water, they most likely found out about Christianity.
- Only a few regios found out about Christianity (including Argentina) because if someone couldn't get to your reigon without shipping there, they didn't find out about Christianity.
- The easiest way to get from place to place back then was using a boat.
Christianity's Impact on the Culture and People of Argentina
- In Argentina, the impact Christianity had on their culture was that Argentina's citizens started respect to religious features and for protection and good fortune.
- They pray and leave offerings for saints and heroes at shrines.
- Shrines in Argentina were mostly built for a woman named LaDifanta Correa.
- She is known because she died of thirst but her missing baby survived.
photo credit Nasa / Goddard Space Flight Center / Reto Stöckli