- Ecosystem Destruction
- Large amount of fish farm being produce in large quantity of waste
- Coastal ecosystem being damage
- Pressure on Wild Species
- Parasites and disease are easier to spread
- Local wild fish beig suffered
- Genetically modified fish are beign formed more for business
Oceanic Pollutants
- 50 years ago, none of this pollutant occurred
- Everything that gets dumped in waterways leads to ocean
- Chemical can end up into ocean
- Ocean currents are way for pollutants to spread across the globe
Increased World Consumption
- Good source of food
- 17kg per person of fish being consumed
- Different countries have different fish consumptions
- Trends of the food consumption
- Nutritional needs of people
Issues Surrounding Wild Stock Depletion
Cont. Increased World Consumption
- Fish supply for human consumption
- In small developing island, fish is contributing at least 50% intake
- Developed countries, income is high so basic needs have been satisfied
- Due to income growth, more demand and consumption is leading toward animal product
1. Human beings consuming more fish and being dangerous predators
2. Over fishing
3. Environental impacts
Problems Associated with the Practice of the Consumption of Fatty Fish as a Healthful Way to Increase your Omega-3
- Not having the appropriate amount of omega-3 in your system
- Adult should take at least two serving of omega-3 rich fish a week
- Women who are pregnant should limit amount of fish
- Excessive eating of fatty fish cna weaken immune system
Benefits of Omega-3 in Fish:
Theory of Food: Fish